A booking system for restaurants where users can signin/signup and reserve tables for a given date and time.
General Info
Application Structure
Set Up
The goal of this project was to design, develop and deploy in the Cloud a full stack web app using Figma, the MERN stack and AWS services. MVCS pattern was used in the backend of this application. This project was for training purposes.
- UI
- Figma
- Frontend
- Yarn
- Typescript
- Redux (redux-persist)
- React Router
- Axios
- Konva
- Backend
MongoDB Atlas (mongoose)
- JSON Web Tokens
- Bcrypt
- Backend Infrastructure
- EC2
- Ubuntu 22.04
- PM2
- Snap
- Apache (Reverse Proxy)
- Certbot (SSL Certificate)
- Elastic IPs
- Route53
- EC2
├── config
│ └── database.js
├── controllers
│ └── User.controller.js
│ └── Company.controller.js
├── middleware
│ └── auth.js
├── models
│ └── User.js
│ └── Company.js
├── routes
│ └── User.routes.js
│ └── Company.routes.js
├── services
│ └── UserService.js
│ └── CompanyService.js
├── server.js
└── .env
- config/ - Mongoose config to connect with MongoDB.
- controllers/ - Serves the responses.
- middleware/ - Verifies JWT Token.
- models/ - Schema definitions for mongoose models.
- routes/ - Routes for API.
- services/ - Business logic between controllers and models.
- server.js - Entry point of application.
- .env - Environment Variables
└── src
├── apps
│ ├── auth-app
│ │ └── components
│ └── internal-app
│ ├── components
│ ├── containers
│ └── pages
│ ├── booking
│ ├── home
│ └── settings
├── hooks
│ └── hooks.ts
├── public
└── store
│ ├── features
│ └── store.ts
└── index.js
- src/ - Source Files.
- apps/ - Applications within the main app.
- hooks/ - Hooks for Redux.
- public/ - Assets folder.
- store/ - Redux Store and reducers.
- index.js - Entry point of the main app.
Clone this repo
Install Dependencies
cd backend/ yarn install
Open .env file and insert mongodb uri and replace TOKEN_KEY with a random string.
TOKEN_KEY is used to create JWT Auth.
MONGO_URI="mongodb+srv://username:password@databasename.bmpbw.mongodb.net/?retryWrites=true&w=majority" TOKEN_KEY="RANDOMSTRING"
Adjust server.js to server https when deployed in EC2 Instance.
const https = require('https'); const fs = require('fs'); const options = { key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'), cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem') } const httpsServer = https.createServer(options, app); httpsServer.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`));
How to Run
node server.js
How to Deploy
Deploy NodeJS in AWS EC2 - My Notes from Notion
- Clone this repo
- Install Dependencies
cd client/ yarn install
- Open index.js file and insert and point
axios default baseUrl
to your API endpoint.Now you can send axios requests through the app like thisaxios.defaults.baseURL = 'https://restaurant-booking-system.ga:5000/'
axios.get('api/v1/user/auth'). then( (response) =>{ //do something with response }).catch((err) => { // handle errors });
- How to Run
yarn start
- How to Deploy
Deploy React on Netlify
- Table Reserations for some dates and times might fail. Further debugging needed.
- Multiple sign ups with same username is allowed as of now. Backend needs to be adjusted to handle that.
- UI Design needs improvement.
- Transformer doesn't work on Brave with Shields enabled #1111.