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A booking web app for Restaurants built with MERN stack. Users can signup/signin and book tables.


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Restaurant Booking System

A booking system for restaurants where users can signin/signup and reserve tables for a given date and time.

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Table of Contents

General Info
Application Structure
Set Up

General Info

The goal of this project was to design, develop and deploy in the Cloud a full stack web app using Figma, the MERN stack and AWS services. MVCS pattern was used in the backend of this application. This project was for training purposes.


  • UI
    • Figma
  • Frontend
    • React
    • Yarn
    • Typescript
    • Redux (redux-persist)
    • React Router
    • Axios
    • Konva
  • Backend
    • Node.js
    • Express
    • MongoDB Atlas (mongoose)
    • JSON Web Tokens
    • Bcrypt
  • Backend Infrastructure (AWS)
    • EC2
      • Ubuntu 22.04
      • PM2
      • Snap
      • Apache (Reverse Proxy)
      • Certbot (SSL Certificate)
    • Elastic IPs
    • Route53


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Application Structure

├── config
│   └── database.js
├── controllers
│   └── User.controller.js
│   └── Company.controller.js
├── middleware
│   └── auth.js
├── models
│   └── User.js
│   └── Company.js
├── routes
│   └── User.routes.js
│   └── Company.routes.js
├── services
│   └── UserService.js
│   └── CompanyService.js
├── server.js
└── .env
  • config/ - Mongoose config to connect with MongoDB.
  • controllers/ - Serves the responses.
  • middleware/ - Verifies JWT Token.
  • models/ - Schema definitions for mongoose models.
  • routes/ - Routes for API.
  • services/ - Business logic between controllers and models.
  • server.js - Entry point of application.
  • .env - Environment Variables
└── src
    ├── apps
    │   ├── auth-app
    │   │   └── components
    │   └── internal-app
    │       ├── components
    │       ├── containers
    │       └── pages
    │           ├── booking
    │           ├── home
    │           └── settings
    ├── hooks
    │   └── hooks.ts
    ├── public
    └── store
    │   ├── features
    │   └── store.ts
    └── index.js
  • src/ - Source Files.
  • apps/ - Applications within the main app.
  • hooks/ - Hooks for Redux.
  • public/ - Assets folder.
  • store/ - Redux Store and reducers.
  • index.js - Entry point of the main app.

Set Up


  • Clone this repo

  • Install Dependencies

    cd backend/
    yarn install
  • Open .env file and insert mongodb uri and replace TOKEN_KEY with a random string.

    TOKEN_KEY is used to create JWT Auth.

  • SSL/HTTPS Config

    Adjust server.js to server https when deployed in EC2 Instance.

    const https = require('https');
    const fs = require('fs');
    const options = {
    key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
    cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
    const httpsServer = https.createServer(options, app);
    httpsServer.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening on port ${port}`));
  • How to Run
    node server.js

  • How to Deploy
    Deploy NodeJS in AWS EC2 - My Notes from Notion


  • Clone this repo
  • Install Dependencies
    cd client/
    yarn install
  • Open index.js file and insert and point axios default baseUrl to your API endpoint.
    axios.defaults.baseURL = ''
    Now you can send axios requests through the app like this
        then( (response) =>{
            //do something with response
        }).catch((err) => {
            // handle errors
  • How to Run
    yarn start
  • How to Deploy
    Deploy React on Netlify

Status and Bugs