Mainline linux kernel for Orange Pi PC/PC2/PC3/One, TBS A711, PinePhone (Pro), PocketBook Touch Lux 3
This kernel tree is meant for:
- Orange Pi One
- Orange Pi PC
- Orange Pi PC 2
- Orange Pi 3
- PinePhone 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2(a/b)
- TBS A711 Tablet
- PocketBook Touch Lux 3
- Pinebook Pro
- Pinephone Pro
Features in addition to mainline:
- [Orange Pi One/PC/PC2] More aggressive OPPs for CPU
- [All] Mark one of DRM planes as a cursor plane, speeding up Xorg based desktop with modesetting driver
- [Orange Pi One/PC/PC2] Configure on-board micro-switches to perform system power off function
- [Orange Pi One/PC/PC2/3] HDMI audio
- [Orange Pi 3] Ethernet
- [TBS A711] HM5065 (back camera) / GC2145 (front camera)
- [PinePhone] WiFi, Bluetooth, Audio, Modem power, HDMI out over USB-C, USB-C support, cameras, PMIC improvements, power management, fixes here and there
- [PocketBook Touch Lux 3] Display and Touchscreen support
- [Pinephone Pro] Everything
Pre-built u-boot and kernels are available at
You may need some firmware files for some part of the functionality. Those are available at:
If you want to reproduce my pre-built kernels exactly, you'll need to uncomment CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR and CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE in the defconfigs, and point CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE_DIR to a directory on your computer where the clone of resides.
You can also leave those two config options commented out, and copy the contents of to /lib/firmware/ on the target device.
You can use this kernel to run a desktop environment on Orange Pi SBCs, Arch Linux on your Pinephone, or to have a completely opensource OS on a Pocketbook e-ink book reader.
Have fun!
These are rudimentary instructions and you need to understand what you're doing. These are just core steps required to build the ATF/u-boot/kernel. Downloading, verifying, renaming to correct directories is not described or mentioned. You should be able to infer missing necessary steps yourself for your particular needs.
Get necessary toolchains from:
- for 64bit Orange Pi PC2 and Orange Pi 3, PinePhone
- for 32bit Orange Pis, Pocketbook, TBS tablet
Extract toolchains and prepare the environment:
export PATH="$PATH:$CWD/Toolchains/arm/bin:$CWD/Toolchains/aarch64/bin"
For Orange Pi PC2, Orange Pi 3 or PinePhone:
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/uboot-pc2
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc2
Get and build ATF from
make -C "$CWD/arm-trusted-firmware" PLAT=sun50i_a64 DEBUG=1 bl31
cp "$CWD/arm-trusted-firmware/build/sun50i_a64/debug/bl31.bin" "$KBUILD_OUTPUT"
Use sun50i_a64 for Orange Pi PC2 or PinePhone and sun50i_h6 for Orange Pi 3.
Build u-boot from (opi-v2020.04 branch) with appropriate defconfig (orangepi_one_defconfig, orangepi_pc2_defconfig, orangepi_pc_defconfig, orangepi_3_defconfig, tbs_a711_defconfig, pinephone_defconfig).
My u-boot branch already has all the necessary patches integrated and is configured for quick u-boot/kernel startup.
make -C u-boot orangepi_pc2_defconfig
make -C u-boot -j5
cp $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc2/uboot.config
cat $KBUILD_OUTPUT/{spl/sunxi-spl.bin,u-boot.itb} > $OUT/pc2/uboot.bin
Get kernel from this repository and checkout the latest orange-pi-5.18 branch.
Build the kernel for 64-bit boards:
export ARCH=arm64
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/linux-arm64
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc2
make -C linux orangepi_defconfig
# or make -C linux pocketbook_touch_lux_3_defconfig
# or make -C linux tbs_a711_defconfig
make -C linux -j5 clean
make -C linux -j5 Image dtbs
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm64/boot/Image $OUT/pc2/
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc2/linux.config
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm64/boot/dts/allwinner/sun50i-h5-orangepi-pc2.dtb $OUT/pc2/board.dtb
Build the kernel for 32-bit boards:
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export KBUILD_OUTPUT=$OUT/.tmp/linux-arm
mkdir -p $KBUILD_OUTPUT $OUT/pc
make orangepi_defconfig
# or make pinephone_defconfig
make -C linux orangepi_defconfig
make -C linux -j5 clean
make -C linux -j5 zImage dtbs
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm/boot/zImage $OUT/pc/
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/.config $OUT/pc/linux.config
cp -f $KBUILD_OUTPUT/arch/arm/boot/dts/sun8i-h3-orangepi-pc.dtb $OUT/pc/board.dtb
# Or use sun8i-h3-orangepi-one.dtb for Orange Pi One
I don't run u-boot on PinePhone, so my pre-built kernel packages don't come with u-boot built for PinePhone.
If you're getting lockups on boot or later during thermal regulation, you're missing an u-boot patch.
This patch is necessary to run this kernel!
These lockups are caused by improper NKMP clock factors selection in u-boot for PLL_CPUX. (M divider should not be used. P divider should be used only for frequencies below 240MHz.)
This patch for u-boot fixes it:
Kernel side is already fixed in this kernel tree.