Technology is transforming how health care is delivered in Africa, giving more people in remote areas and around the world access to better care. Likewise, easier access to data helps both doctors and policymakers make better-informed decisions about how to continue to improve the system. Access is still the greatest challenge to health care delivery in Africa. Fewer than 50% of Africans have access to modern health facilities. Many African countries spend less than 10% of their GDP on health care. Also, there is a shortage of trained health care professionals from Africa because many of them prefer to live and work in places like the U.S. and Europe. African countries have to embrace technology to close the health care gap, and private-public partnerships can help with that. We have seen that maintenance is usually one of the major problems with technology in the public sector, as everybody’s property is usually no one’s, and therefore no one takes responsibility for keeping it up to date and making repairs.
Create a solution that addresses the following needs in access to health care: -Data collection and processing in hospitals and access to comprehensive virtual healthcare in remote areas.
Build a solution that enables doctors to gain real-time access to a patient’s vital signs from anywhere in the world. The solution should allow doctors to gauge a patient’s condition to determine whether hospitalization is necessary. The solution can also provide general medical assistance and will be especially useful in cases of emergencies.
- project: folder contains source code for the application.
- screenshots: folder contains some screenshots of the application