- The user specifies a city name, date range (optional), genre filters (optional).
- Ticket master API is used to find shows that fit the description.
- Spotify API is used to generate ~10 song playlist for each event, built from the specified artists.
- User is routed to an embedded music player, which autoplays first result.
- Top level navigation moves through the events, bottom navigation controls playback of the event's playlist.
- The main viewport for the player will show the event information provided by ticketmaster:
- Event promotional picture (maybe a courasel of pictures)
- Event details such as artists, cost, tickets link, general information.
- Additional functionality could be to allow users to click on an arist name, pulling up details / playlist for that particular artist.
Spotify offers 3 different Oauth options, I chose the one that uses auth / refresh token combination.
All 3rd party API calls happen from the server, however the playback SDK needs a valid spotify auth token in the browser.
Auth token lasts 1 hour, with refresh token flow used to generate new auth tokens.
Due to security concerns, the refresh token is never accessible to the browser. Instead we'll keep it in an html-only cookie.
Logged out users will enter Auth Flow from landing page, enforced through React-Router.
Server puts refresh token in cookie, auth token is sent as param with a redirect to the Search page.
Token expiration will be checked before render of player component, and if we're close to expiration we'll trigger refresh flow.
I'm currently using React to build the UI with Redux for global state management.
Global state includes usage Token, isLoading/Error, current search data, player data.
Relevent state will be persistant with use of local storage, pre-loaded as intial state of RootReducer.
Local storage will be cleared on logout.
Formik.js is used to create robust and re-usable form components.
Optional feature would be using Google Places API to create an autofill for the City input field.
React-Datepicker.js is used for calendar component. Default date range is the following week.