A vraptor plugin to work with the native library ImageMagick (using jmagick)
Clone the project and run mvn install.
In your pom.xml:
- Because jmagick call the native ImageMagick library on your machine, you'll need to install it
(on mac you can install it running the homebrew command: brew install imagemagick)
-After that download the latest jmagick source from svn running: svn co https://jmagick.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jmagick jmagick
-Then run the following commands:
./configure --with-java-home=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/Current --with-magick-home=/usr/local/jmagick
make all & make install
ln -s /usr/local/lib/libJMagick-6.5.7.so /Library/Java/Extensions/libJMagick.jnilib
-After that you should provide your jar to maven, in my case I used:
vraptor-magicker uses vraptor-environment to provide some configuration:
magicker.images_path -> path where you want to save the images
magicker.images.thumb.width -> thumbnail width
magicker.images.thumb.height -> thumbnail height
magicker.images.medium.width -> medium width
magicker.images.medium.height -> medium height
- Supose you'll need to convert your image object to MagickImage object, to do that, you have four options:
1.1 Using InputStream:
InputStream stream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("caelum.png");
MagickImage image = this.magicker.takeImageStream(stream).getImage();
1.2 Using a byte array:
byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("caelum.png"));
MagickImage image = this.magicker.takeImageBytes(bytes).getImage();
1.3 Using path:
String path = this.getClass().getResource("caelum.png").getPath();
MagickImage image = this.magicker.takeImagePath(path).getImage();
1.4 Using vraptor UploadedFile
UploadedFile file = aFile;
- Resize an image:
MagickImage image = this.magicker.takeImageStream(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("caelum.png")).resizeTo(width, height).getImage();
- Save original image and a thumbnail image:
- Save original image and a medium sized image:
- Save original and a custom sized image:
this.magicker.takeImageStream(stream).withTitle(title).addCustom(500, 600).save();
- Or you can save all:
this.magicker.takeImageStream(stream).withTitle(title).addThumb().addMedium().addCustom(500, 600).save();
- If you want to define other path
this.magicker.takeImageStream(stream).withPath(path).withTitle(title).addThumb().addMedium().addCustom(500, 600).save();
- Receiving the Magicker object:
public class MyController {
private Magicker magicker;
public MeuController(Magicker magicker) {
this.magicker = magicker;
public void saveImage(UploadedFile file) {
this.magicker.takeImageUploaded(file).addThumb().addMedium().addCustom(500, 600).save();
Thumbnails will be saved in a sub-directory called thumb
Medium images will be saved in a sub-directory called medium
Custom sized images will be saved in a sub-directory called custom
And you need to create them all, the library will not create them for you.