Hello! My name is Luca. I usually go by dwit as thats my username. I study Reverse Engineering & Software Based Cybersecurity (Exploitation and Vulnerability Analysis) and study everything from Ring 3 Software Security & Exploitation to Ring 0 Kernel Level OS Exploitation (Such as the Windows Kernel Frame & Security. Currently developing a IOCTL driver & loader (EAC, Vanguard) that can map while its driver is unsigned safely; which will also feature key-bypasses for CR3 shuffling (EAC) & patchguard. This will stay private as its main usage, will only be for monitization purposes under burning.digital/services
- I've been studying C++, aswell as other languages for over 6 years now. I've been devloping all sorts of computer software, with examples like my quality-of-life software, or even my memory-manipulation software. I've been developing game-cheats, ranging from user-level internals & externals, to kernal-level internal for over 4 years now. Believe it, or not; I do actually have a huge life outside of coding, I like to keep this hobbie away from my social-life. I am currently monetizing & developing internal assistance for games such as CS:GO1, and Apex on my forum
- discord:
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