Computer Science Student at TU Braunschweig, Germany
Alongside my studies at university, I am almost always working on something on the side privately.
I am a both technical and creative person at heart and I want to pursue meaningful work. I am very much involved in the Game Development space as I see that domain as the best combination of both of these worlds. My main interest is to make the software world a less terrible place. I want to become the most competent person I can be and love to work on hard problems. I focus my attention on High Performance Computing and Data-oriented Design. I am constantly trying to learn as much as I can and I hope that never stops. If I think that I have some interesting projects to showcase that I am working on, I will do that here.
Besides that, I am also interested in ideas from the world of Theoretical Computer Science if I can utilize them in the process of solving the problems I am working on. Although I am mainly interested in the practical application of software design, from time to time these topics can be an enrichment.