edit by lty4ever
- Keyword def can be used as Global Default Value
- Vector : ([X],[Y]) 0 -> (0,0) [dd]% -> Percentage of Screen
- Double : Number
- Boolean : true(t) / false(f)
- String : Text
- Shortened Name can be used eg. glo -> GLOBE.png/ bh -> BLACK_HOLE.png
- loc = Location = 0
- vel = Velocity = 0
- acc = Acceleration = 0
- siz = Size = (100,100)
- mas = Mass = 10
- elc = Elasticity = 1
- trc = Tracing Position Count = 20
- mot = Motion(Displacement) Scale = 0.5
- mtg = Mutual Gravity (Common Gravity) = false true : calculate through G * m1 * m2 / r^2 false : Constants Gravity only in reference to the mass of gravity source.
- gvig = Ignore Self-Gravity = false true : Ignore gravitation release from the entity false : attract other entities (exert force toward the source)
- spt = Susceptibility = false true : Can be affected by other entities’ force false : Extremely stable, unaffectable
- trcv = Trace Visibility = false true : Track the position of the entity and show on the stage
- velv = Velocity Visibility = false true : Display the velocity’s direction and relative scale on the stage
- acv = Acceleration Visibility = false true : Display the acceleration’s direction and relative scale on the stage
- mkv = Mark Visibility = false true : Display the frame (Component Scale) of the entity on the stage
- undrg = Undraggable = false
- rcvg = Receive Global(Stage’s) Gravity = false
- rcvf = Receive Global(Stage’s) Friction = false
- tag = Tag = “ent@[hashCode]”
- img = Image = “glo”
- Get access to stage’s property through tag stg
- envg = Environmental Gravity = (0,2.4)
- fric = Environmental Friction = -0.02
- bnd = Boundary = false true : Place a Boundary Round the Screen
- bak = Background = false true : Place a half-transparent background false : Remove the background.
- Get access to global property through tag def
- path = Default relative path of the Resource Directory = “”
- Space can not appear in the Mapping Statement propertyName=[value],propertyName=[value],...
- tag = entityTag / stg(Stage) / def(Global Property or Default Value) / all(All entities)
- add [mapping of propertyName&value] Add an entity with specific property(s) to stage
- [tag].set [mapping of propertyName&value] Set the property(s) of specific entity(s)/stage
- [entityTag].del Delete specific entity(s) from the stage
- [tag].get [propertyNameList] Print out specific property(s) of entity(s)/stage
- preset [px file path] execute all the command in the px file
- start Enable the timer to tick
- pause disable the timer
- end exit the simulator
- ./RES Resource Directory
- ./RES/IMG Image Directory
- ./RES/PRS Preset Directory
- def.set vel=(10,10) Set Global Default Velocity to (10,10)
- add tag=e1,vel=def,img=bh Add an entity with tag of “e1”, image of blackhole and default velocity
- stg.set bnd=t,delta=20 Set a Boundary around the Screen and change interval of the timer to 20ms
- add tag=e2,img=def,loc=(50%,50%) Add an entity with tag of “e1”, default image and location at the Center of the Screen
- preset traceAll.px Read command in the preset File traceAll.px (all.set trcv=t)
- all.set vel+=(10,10),siz+=(10,10) Add (10,10) to all the entities’ size and velocity
- all.del Delete all the entities from the stage