Gem End-User Usage
- Install Ruby
- Install using Bundler with Ruby or framework (i.e. Ruby on Rails)
- Add to Gemfile
gem 'discrete_math'
- Install dependencies
bundle install
- Add missing dependencies
gem install rest-client
- Add to Gemfile
- Setup IntelliJ
- Fix error
TERM environment variable not set
- Add to Edit Configurations Environment Variable
- Add to Edit Configurations Environment Variable
- Fix error
- Install Signed Gem from Ruby Gemspec
- Download discrete math Gem
- Verify SHA256 Checksum matches
ruby -rdigest/sha2 -e "puts Digest::SHA256.new.hexdigest(File.read('discrete_math-<insert_version>.gem')); gem install discrete_math --trust-policy MediumSecurity
- Discrete Math Gem is cryptographically signed to ensure the downloaded gem has not been tampered with. Add my public key (if you haven’t already) as a trusted certificate. The MediumSecurity trust profile verifies signed gems but allows installation of required unsigned dependencies.
gem cert --add <(curl -Ls https://raw.github.com/ltfschoen/discrete_math/master/certs/ltfschoen.pem) gem install discrete_math -P MediumSecurity
- Run in Interactive Ruby (IRB)
- Run IRB
- Load and Run Gem discrete math within IRB
- Exit IRB
- Summary of Steps
irb require 'discrete_math'; DiscreteMath.run("default")
Gem Developer Contributor Usage
- Clone Repo
git clone https://github.com/ltfschoen/discrete_math && cd discrete_math
- Setup
- Switch to Ruby version
- Install Gemspec dependencies
- Show Gem environment and installation locations
- Show Rake commands available
- Summary of Setup Steps
rbenv local 2.4.2; gem install --dev rake terminal-table rake rest-client rspec algorithms; gem env home; gem list -d; rake -T;
- Run Demo
ruby main.rb
- Unit Tests
- Run Automatic Unit Tests
bundle exec guard
- Alternative 1:
- Alternative 2:
rake discrete:test
- Alternative 3:
rspec spec/helpers/math_helpers_spec.rb
- Alternative 1:
- Guard Setup
- Add to Gemfile
source 'https://rubygems.org' group :development do gem 'rspec', '~> 3.6.0' gem 'guard-rspec', '~> 4.7.3' end
- Install dependencies
bundle install
- Generate Guardfile
bundle exec guard init rspec
- Remove Rails sections from Guardfile
- Run Guard
bundle exec guard
- Watch Guard automatically run tests after each codebase change
- Add to Gemfile
- Run Automatic Unit Tests
- Build, install, and run Gem updates on local machine
- Change version in discrete_math.gemspec
- Note: Check that all used Gem files have been added to Gemspec
- Create Self-Signed Gem Certificate
- Update discrete_math.gemspec
s.cert_chain = ['certs/ltfschoen.pem'] s.signing_key = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/gem-private_key.pem") if $0 =~ /gem\z/
- Generate Certificates
~/.ssh/gem cert --build ltfschoen@gmail.com ~/.ssh/chmod 600 gem-p* mkdir certs; cp ~/.ssh/gem-public_cert.pem certs/ltfschoen.pem git add certs/ltfschoen.pem gem cert --add certs/ltfschoen.pem
- Update discrete_math.gemspec
- Reference
- Uninstall specific version of previously installed discrete math gem (i.e. version 0.0.1)
rake discrete:uninstall[0.0.1]
- Build and install new discrete math gem version defined in discrete_math.gemspec
rake discrete:install
- Run
- Default program passing argument for default mode
rake discrete:run[default]
- Alternative 2: See IRB instructions for General User
- Default program passing argument for default mode
- Deploy latest Gem discrete math version to RubyGems (i.e. version 0.0.2)
rake discrete:deploy[0.0.2]
- Deployment Steps Summary
rake discrete:install; cd ~/.ssh/; gem cert --build ltfschoen@gmail.com; chmod 600 gem-p*; cd ~/code/discrete_maths; mkdir -p certs; cp ~/.ssh/gem-public_cert.pem certs/ltfschoen.pem; gem cert --add certs/ltfschoen.pem; git add certs/ltfschoen.pem; rake discrete:deploy[0.0.8]
- Clone Repo
- Create Ruby Gem
- RSpec Tests
- Rake
- Executable and ARGV
- Rake Task Guide
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