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Utilities for manipulating Gaussian cube files for scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy


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@author Leopold Talirz


= A C++ library for the daily tasks in atomistic simulations                  =


Description & History

  These utilities were used mainly for the manipulation of Gaussian cube files
  for the simulation of scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy with
  with CP2K and Quantum ESPRESSO.
  While the cube file parser implemented here using boost::spirit was faster 
  than the more generic one used by the atomistic simulation environment (ASE), 
  minor optimizations brought the python-based parser close enough in performance
  that in 2013 I decided to rewrite (most of) these tools in Python [1].
  This allowed reusing much of the functionality of the ASE Atoms class, and the
  substantial productivity gain from programming in Python outweighed the minor
  drawbacks in performance, so I never looked back.

  [1] asetk,

Utility programs

  Scanning tunneling microscopy:
  - stm: create scanning tunneling spectroscopy simulations in constant-height
         and constant-current mode  
  - sts: create scanning tunneling spectroscopy simulations
  - extrapolate/extrapolate2: extrapolate single-particle wave functions for 
    accurate STM simulations far away from the atoms

  Utilities for Gaussian cube files:
  - cubestride: subsample a cube file
  - cubescale: multiply values in cube file with a scalar
  - cubesquare: compute |v|^2 for each value v of the cube file
  - cuberoot: compute square root of each value on the cube file
  - cubeabs: compute absolute value for each value in the cube file
  - cubediravg: average cube file perpendicular to given direction (x, y or z)
  - cubezprofile: compute z profile (same as cubediravg along z)
  - cubeplane: extract specific plane from cube file
  - cubeprod: multiply two cube files element-wise
  - espressowfn: read cube file with wave function stored as |psi|^2 * sign(psi)
      (as written out by Quantum ESPRESSO). Write cube file containing psi.

Design principles - File formats

   Working with the most recent software for atomistic simulations requires a
   lot of conversion between different file formats.
   As two formats never store exactly the same information, creating a single 
   "unified" data structure for a collection of similar formats is impossible -
   as soon as a new format turns up, the "unified" data structure would have to
   be adjusted and potentially all code making use of it.

   For this reason, formats are handled as classes of their own and conversions
   to other formats are added to these classes as needed.
   Only fundamental concepts that are independent of a format are represented in
   data structures (and may be used in the format implementations).

Design principles - Algorithms for n dimensions
   It is assumed that the number of dimensions is known at compile time.
   Template based methods may thus be used instead of resorting to recursion.
   Where the number of dimensions is fixed a priori, a specialized
   implementation will also do.

Design principles - Miscellaneous
   - The class interface should not depend on external libraries explicitly
     in order to make it possible to move to another library.
     This may require some code duplication ...
Required libraries
    - boost
    - blitz++
    - fftw3
    - Eigen 3
    - gsl


  Leopold Talirz, nanotech@surfaces laboratory, Empa, Switzerland


Utilities for manipulating Gaussian cube files for scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy








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