Problem: You want to make a two-dimensional scatter plot of a data set but the data set
is too large (> 50k points) to be sensibly visualized with bokeh
At the same time, you would like to retain the ability to interact with individual points to find out more information about them (e.g. via the hover
Solution: Use holoviews
, start with a full view of the plot rendered with datashader
and overlay with a bokeh
scatter plot only once the user has zoomed in far enough.
With conda
conda install -c pyviz bokeh datashader fastparquet python-snappy
Tested with python 3.7, holoviews 1.12.7 and datashader 0.9.0
Run jupyter notebook via
jupyter notebook dynamic_overlay.ipynb
Serve as web page via bokeh
bokeh serve --show
shows how to integrate this into an existing bokeh app
via manipulation of curdoc()
All credits due to @philippjfr for not only creating the great holoviews package but also providing great support.