Samsung Tab A 10.5 2018 GTA2XLWIFI SHRP Recovery sTree
Set up the build environment by following intructions from here
In the root folder of cloned synced shrp source clone the device tree:
git clone -b android_10 device/samsung/gta2xlwifi
- To build:
. build/ && lunch omni_gta2xlwifi-eng && mka recoveryimage -j128
All the scripts are written in according to bash format so consider using bash shell while building.
You can switch to bash shell just by typing bash
command and logout from it by exit
after you complete the build.
Source uses python2
and it may give you some syntax error for if you have python3
. So install python2 and use following command to activate python2
for building:
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python2 xyz && source xyz/bin/activate
You need virtualenv package to be installed. (Tested on Ubuntu, use virtualenv2
in arch based linux distros.)