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About DockerLaravel

DockerLaravel is a CLI application built in PHP 7.4 on top of the Laravel Framework. This repository uses docker to build the following images:

  • PHP
  • Mysql

How to install

$ cp .env.example .env

$ make up

$ make composer-install Or

$ make composer-update (To be run eventually)

$ make generate-key

Accessing containers

$ docker-compose exec app bash

$ docker-compose exec db bash

Run PHPUnit

$ make test

Artisan CLI

List commands

$ docker-compose exec app php artisan list

Managing DB

Create migrations files

The following command will create a new file in app/database/migrations everytime you run it, so that you can put all the sql statements like create or alter table there. They are versioned by timestamp:

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan make:migration create_yourtable_table

Run all migrations (only first time)

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan migrate

With seed option

You may want to run some insert statements as well at once, by using --seed option:

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan migrate --seed

Fresh command

If you need to drop your tables and re-create them:

make fresh-db

Only seed

Probably you will need to run first the composer dump-autoload command if the seeders classes are new in your repository:

$ make composer-dump-autoload

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan db:seed

Create a new seeder

Seeders are useful when you want to perform some operations like insert into some tables for example. Similarly the migrations files, you can create the seeder classes in app/database/seeds with the command below, then you will have to put the statements there:

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan make:seeder YourSeeder

Build a new command class

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan make:command FooCommand

Note that FooCommand is the name of the class, which will be created in: app/Console/Commands/FooCommand.php. You still need to open it and define the signature that will be something like: any name:any action and a description as well that can be useful for whom is reading after run the list command in the terminal. The logic can be put all inside the handle method or you are free to create new methods or classes to organize the code the way you like most. After that you can run the command by typing on terminal (Bear in mind that is not always you will need to use root -u 0 privileges):

$ docker-compose exec -u 1001 app php artisan yourcommand:theaction

Verify version

$ docker-compose exec app php artisan --version


Read the complete documentation on Laravel site at for more details


Docker Laravel






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