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LLDEXT - WinDbg helpers

âť• The character ^ before parameter name means that the parameter is optional


My materials covering WinDbg and lldext:

Native extension (lldext.dll)

!injectdll dllPath

Injects DLL into the debuggee

Current version can be found under the release tab - use version corresponding to the bitness of the debuggee.

Helper functions (lldext.js)

The scripts folder contains JavaScript scripts. The following commands / functions are available:

readString/readWideString(address, ^length)

Reads an ANSI/UNICODE string from the specific address in the memory.

dx -g @$seekAndGet(@$cursession.TTD.Calls("jvm!SystemDictionary::resolve_instance_class_or_null").Skip(0x8a0), c => c.TimeStart, c => new { TimeStart = c.TimeStart, ClassName = @$readString(c.Parameters.class_name->_body, c.Parameters.class_name->_length) })

# ======================================================================================
# =           = (+) TimeStart = ClassName                                              =
# ======================================================================================
# = [0x0]     - 69C72:269     - java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList              =
# = [0x1]     - 6A31D:4F2     - java/lang/Object                                       =
# = [0x2]     - 6A333:A1A     - java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList              =


This function might be useful if WinDbg incorrectly decodes the parameters as 64-bit integers while the target is 32-bit. It sporadically happens when we lack private symbols.


Executes a command in the debugger and returns a list of strings which compose the command's output.

dx @$dbgExec("r eax")

# @$dbgExec("r eax")                
#     [0x0]            : eax=0019715c


Executes a command in the debugger and prints the output to the debugger command window.

dx @$dbgExecAndPrint("r eax")

# eax=0019715c
# @$dbgExecAndPrint("r eax")


It works with TTD traces and prints stats about calls of a given function or functions (wildcards and function addresses are supported), for example:

dx -g @$callstats("kernelbase!*File*")

# ==============================================================================================================================
# =                                                              = Function                                          = Count   =
# ==============================================================================================================================
# = ["KERNELBASE!GetModuleFileNameW"] : [object Object]          - KERNELBASE!GetModuleFileNameW                     - 0x13    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!GetFileAttributesExW"] : [object Object]        - KERNELBASE!GetFileAttributesExW                   - 0x23    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!IsBrokeredSetFileAttributesWPresent"] : [obj... - KERNELBASE!IsBrokeredSetFileAttributesWPresent    - 0x8     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!FindFirstFileExW"] : [object Object]            - KERNELBASE!FindFirstFileExW                       - 0x2     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!InternalFindFirstFileExW"] : [object Object]    - KERNELBASE!InternalFindFirstFileExW               - 0x2     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!BasepInitializeFindFileHandle"] : [object Ob... - KERNELBASE!BasepInitializeFindFileHandle          - 0x2     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!CloseEncryptedFileRaw"] : [object Object]       - KERNELBASE!CloseEncryptedFileRaw                  - 0x17    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!GetFileType"] : [object Object]                 - KERNELBASE!GetFileType                            - 0x6     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!ReadFile"] : [object Object]                    - KERNELBASE!ReadFile                               - 0x1f    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!PathCchRemoveFileSpec"] : [object Object]       - KERNELBASE!PathCchRemoveFileSpec                  - 0x1     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!CreateFileMappingNumaW"] : [object Object]      - KERNELBASE!CreateFileMappingNumaW                 - 0x9     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!MapViewOfFileExNuma"] : [object Object]         - KERNELBASE!MapViewOfFileExNuma                    - 0x53    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!UnmapViewOfFile"] : [object Object]             - KERNELBASE!UnmapViewOfFile                        - 0x24    =
# = ["KERNELBASE!WriteFile"] : [object Object]                   - KERNELBASE!WriteFile                              - 0x9     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!BasepLoadLibraryAsDataFileInternal"] : [obje... - KERNELBASE!BasepLoadLibraryAsDataFileInternal     - 0x5     =
# = ["KERNELBASE!BasepReleaseDataFileHandle"] : [object Object]  - KERNELBASE!BasepReleaseDataFileHandle             - 0x5     =
# ==============================================================================================================================


It works with TTD traces and dumps a tree of callstacks that triggered a given function. Might be very slow for frequently called functions or when analysing long traces. Example usage:

dx @$callstacks("kernelbase!CreateFileW").print()

# KERNELBASE!CreateFileW (0x7ff91b884990)
#   |- ucrtbase!_wsopen_nolock + 0xe3 (0x7ff91b369527)
#     |- ucrtbase!common_sopen_dispatch<wchar_t> + 0x65 (0x7ff91b377ed1)
#         ...
#         |- hostfxr!runtime_config_t::parse + 0x1bf (0x7ff910e3d93f)
#           |- hostfxr!fx_definition_t::parse_runtime_config + 0x17 (0x7ff910e1c180)
#             |- hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::read_config + 0x1b0 (0x7ff910e1c180)
#               |- hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::get_init_info_for_app + 0xa69 (0x7ff910e1d1d9)
#                 |- hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::read_config_and_execute + 0x7e (0x7ff910e1e03e)
#                   |- hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::handle_exec_host_command + 0x16c (0x7ff910e202ec)
#                     |- hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::execute + 0x494 (0x7ff910e1e644)
#                       |- hostfxr!hostfxr_main_startupinfo + 0xa0 (0x7ff910e185a0)
#                         |- throwexc!exe_start + 0x878 (0x7ff6bcb7f998)
#                           |- throwexc!wmain + 0x146 (0x7ff6bcb7fda6)
#                             |- throwexc!invoke_main + 0x22 (0x7ff6bcb812e8)
#                               |- throwexc!__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x10c (0x7ff6bcb812e8)
#                                 |- KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x1d (0x7ff91da3257d)
#                                   |- ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart + 0x28 (0x7ff91e08aa48)
#           |- hostfxr!fx_definition_t::parse_runtime_config + 0x1f (0x7ff910e25760)
#             |- hostfxr!fx_resolver_t::read_framework + 0x440 (0x7ff910e25760)
#               |- hostfxr!fx_resolver_t::resolve_frameworks_for_app + 0x127 (0x7ff910e26037)
#                 |- hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::get_init_info_for_app + 0xded (0x7ff910e1d55d)
#                   |- hostfxr!`anonymous namespace'::read_config_and_execute + 0x7e (0x7ff910e1e03e)
#                     |- hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::handle_exec_host_command + 0x16c (0x7ff910e202ec)
#                       |- hostfxr!fx_muxer_t::execute + 0x494 (0x7ff910e1e644)
#                         |- hostfxr!hostfxr_main_startupinfo + 0xa0 (0x7ff910e185a0)
#                           |- throwexc!exe_start + 0x878 (0x7ff6bcb7f998)
#                             |- throwexc!wmain + 0x146 (0x7ff6bcb7fda6)
#                               |- throwexc!invoke_main + 0x22 (0x7ff6bcb812e8)
#                                 |- throwexc!__scrt_common_main_seh + 0x10c (0x7ff6bcb812e8)
#                                   |- KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x1d (0x7ff91da3257d)
#                                     |- ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart + 0x28 (0x7ff91e08aa48)

seekAndGet(objects, getTimePosition, func)

It works with TTD traces and executes a given function (func) for each object after setting the time position in the TTD trace. It returns the results of the function call. Example usages:

dx -r3 @$seekAndGet(@$cursession.TTD.Memory(0x16a078c0, 0x16a078c4, "w"), m => m.TimeStart, m => new { OldValue = m.OverwrittenValue, NewValue = m.Value, Stack = @$curstack.Frames })

dx -r3 @$seekAndGet(@$cursession.TTD.Memory(0x16a078c0, 0x16a078c4, "w"), m => m.TimeStart, m => new { OldValue = m.OverwrittenValue, NewValue = m.Value, Stack = @$dbgExec("k") })

# group calls to outerHTML property by a given COM class instance
dx -g @$seekAndGet(@$cursession.TTD.Calls("mshtml!CElement::put_outerHTML"), c => c.TimeStart, c => new { TimeStart = c.TimeStart, Class = **(void ***)(@$curthread.Registers.User.esp + 4) }).GroupBy(t => t.Class).Select(g => new { Class = g.Last().Class, LastCall = g.Last().TimeStart, Count = g.Count() })


Jumps to the time position in a TTD trace. Example usage:

dx @$jumpTo("6DDA9:B6C")

# (1d88.190c): Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first/second chance not available)
# Time Travel Position: 6DDA9:B6C
# @$jumpTo("6DDA9:B6C")

Functions helping to recognize native controls/windows (windowing.js)


Parses the window tree (typically in from an sxt file) saved by Spyxx tool. Example usage:

.scriptload windowing.js

dx @$scriptContents.loadSpyxxTree("C:\\temp\\windows.sxt")

Example file content:

Window 00010010 "" #32769 (Desktop)
    Window 00010100 "" Worker Window
    Window 00010364 "Default IME" IME
    Window 00010362 "Microsoft Text Input Application" Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindow
    Window 00010380 "Default IME" IME
    Window 0001037E "" ApplicationFrameWindow


Parses the window tree copied from the System Informer Windows tab for a given process. Example usage:

.scriptload windowing.js

dx @$scriptContents.loadSpyxxTree("C:\\temp\\windows.txt")

Example file content:

UserAdapterWindowClass, 0x605d4, , iexplore.exe (18168): unnamed thread (16852), CoreMessaging.dll
CicMarshalWndClass, 0x120442, CicMarshalWnd, iexplore.exe (18168): unnamed thread (16852), msctf.dll
Isolation Thread Message Window, 0xa01b8, , iexplore.exe (18168): unnamed thread (2824), iexplore.exe
Isolation Thread Message Window, 0x3068c, , iexplore.exe (18168): unnamed thread (16852), iexplore.exe
OleMainThreadWndClass, 0x805b6, OleMainThreadWndName, iexplore.exe (18168): unnamed thread (16852), combase.dll


Retrieves information about a window from a previously loaded Spyxx tree. Example usages:

.scriptload windowing.js

dx -g @$cursession.TTD.Calls("patcher!hooked_SetWindowPos").Select(c => new { HWND = c.Parameters.window_handle, Class = @$scriptContents.findWindow(c.Parameters.window_handle).className, Cx =, Cy =, TimeStart = c.TimeStart, Time = c.SystemTimeStart })
# ================================================================================================================================================
# =                    = (+) HWND    = Class                       = Cx      = Cy     = (+) TimeStart = (+) Time                                 =
# ================================================================================================================================================
# = [0x0]              - 0x160046    - tooltips_class32            - 1536    - 813    - 676:55        - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 14:14:15.318    =
# = [0x1]              - 0x160046    - tooltips_class32            - 0       - 0      - 682:55        - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 14:14:15.318    =
# = [0x2]              - 0x160046    - tooltips_class32            - 0       - 0      - 2333:253      - Wednesday, March 6, 2024 14:14:19.662    =
bp user32!NtUserSetWindowPos "dx new { function = \"SetWindowPos\", hWnd = (void *)@rcx, class = @$findWindow(@rcx).className, hWndInsertAfter = (void *)@rdx, X = (int)@r8, Y = (int)@r9, cx = *(int *)(@rsp+0x28), cy = *(int *)(@rsp+0x30), uFlags = *(unsigned int *)(@rsp+0x38) }; g"