Kimeo is a micro CLI application (and a minimalist web client) that is able to generate a list of merged PR for a selected list of branches for an interval of dates.
The login/password credentials are your GitHub's ones.
dev@dev:~$ composer global require loveOSS/kimeo
dev@dev:~$ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"
Then configure the application, you need to create and complete a .env
Use the .env.dist
file provided:
GITHUB_OWNER=mickaelandrieu # the owner of GitHub project
GITHUB_REPOSITORY=kimeo # the name of GitHub project
GITHUB_LOGIN=mickaelandrieu # the name of GitHub account (for authentication)
GITHUB_PASSWORD=XXXXXXXXX # the password of GitHub account
For theses members, the line generated for each contributed will be different.
For Core members (ex):
- #7839: Add sprintf check constraint on translations, by @Quetzacoalt91.
For beloved contributors (ex):
- #7838: Return empty array instead of false.. Thank you @neoteknic!
dev@dev:~$ kimeo <from> <to> <list> <of> <branches> <...>
For instance:
dev@dev:~$ kimeo 31-10-2016 9-12-2016 main feat-1
dev@dev:~$ cd /path/to/kimeo && php -S localhost:1234 # Then access http://localhost:1234
A file named
will be generated, you can manipulate it using any programming language.
Ahaha, well tried ;) I don't want any contributions. If you like it, star it and use it. If you want to improve it, fork it and create the tool that fits your specific needs.