This repository contains Terraform and Ansible scripts for provisioning a minecraft server with a FTB modpack into Hetzner cloud with AWS route 53 dns
The main infrastructure is first spun up by Terraform:
- One server of chosen type (cx11, cx21 etc.)
- A floating IP assigned to the server
- Subdomain A record pointing to the floating IP
Then Ansible provisions:
- Docker
- ufw
- fail2ban
- Minecraft server with a FTB modpack
using the Hetzner cloud dynamic inventory plugin.
and group_vars/all.yml
for currently easily modifiable variables regarding the server
- Terraform
- Ansible
- Hetzner cloud account and API key (
- Hcloud python
pip install hcloud
- AWS account and user (
- Registered main domain in Route53 (
- Working ssh key to be used with ansible and ssh:ing into the server (default used key is ~/.ssh/
- Install required external ansible roles
ansible-galaxy role install -r requirements.yml
- Install required external ansible collections
ansible-galaxy collections install -r requirements.yml
- Install required terraform providers by running
terraform init
- Spin up the server and dns records by running
terraform apply
- Provision the minecraft server by running
HCLOUD_TOKEN=<your hetzner cloud token> ansible-playbook -i hcloud.yml minecraft-server-configuration.yml