An image annotation toolkit
by Institut of Imaging & Computer Vision, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
- current: folder rename bug fix, project merge, dialog of distribute/collect annotations, annotation exporter update, speed optimization, json
- release_Oct_2020: unicode path support; screenshot; search missing images; distribute/collect annotations to/from image file locations; project: managing files as a project
- release_Mar_2020: Livewire tool
- release_Dec_2019: support for bmp images; fix line annotation bug
- python = 3.x
- opencv
- pyqt = 5.x
- h5py
- scikit-image
- pyinstaller
We recommend using anaconda to setup the enironment: env.yml list the complete packages, which can be easily used by conda:
conda env create -f env.yml
/release_MM_YYYY/ contains an independent executable for windows users
- Polygons: free drawing
- Livewire/Intelligent Scissor: draw by clicking points, lines between points are estimated by the software
- Ellipses:
- Bounding Box:
- Dot:
- Curve
Label docker on the right side:
- add new attributes
- add new labels to an attribute
- save current attributes and labels as default
- load default
Give labels:
- double click to select (+Ctrl for multiple selection)
- double click a label in the label docker to give that label to selected objects
Display channel (attribute):
- objects displayed with different colors based on the labels of the selectes attribute channel
- objecst without a label will be black
- merge two projects
- check duplicates in the same project:
Note: conflict labels will be delete, so please make sure the lables are consitent
Annotations will be save in JSON format. Old formot .hdf5 is deprecated, but the software is compatible with .hdf5 read.
anno_file = {'status': 'unfinished'/'finished'/'confirmed'/'problematic',
'labels': {'property1': {'label1': [r,g,b], 'label2': [r,g,b], ...}, ...},
'annotations': {'timestamp': , ... } }
Polygon Annotation:
anno_polygon = {'timestamp':'@'),
'type': 'polygon',
'labels': {property: label, ...},
'coords': [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...],
'bbx': [x, y, w, h]}
Livewire Annotation:
- save as a polygon annotation
Bouding Box Annotation:
anno_bbx = {'timestamp':'@'),
'type': 'bbx',
'labels': {property: label, ...},
'bbx': [x, y, w, h]}
Ellipse Annotation:
anno_ellipse = {'timestamp':'@'),
'type': 'ellipse',
'labels': {property: label, ...},
'coords': [x, y],
'angle': angle,
'axis': [axis_major, axis_minor],
'bbx': [x, y, w, h]}
Dot Annotation:
anno_dot = {'timestamp':'@'),
'type': 'dot',
'labels': {property: label, ...},
'coords': [x, y]}
Curve Annotation:
anno_curve = {'timestamp':'@'),
'type': 'curve',
'labels': {property: label, ...},
'coords': [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...],
'bbx': [x, y, w, h]}
/annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>(attr:type, timestamp)
/annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/labels/<attribute_name>(attr: label_name)
Polygon Annotaion:
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/boundingBox:(4,)
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/polygon:(N,2)
Livewire Annotaion:
- save as a polygon object
Bouding Box Annotaion:
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/boundingBox:(4,)
Ellipse Annotaion:
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/center:(2,)
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/angle:(1,)
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/axis:(2,)
Dot Annotaion:
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/pt:(2,)
Curve Annotation:
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/boundingBox:(4,)
- /annotations/<timestamp_of_annotation>/line:(N,2)
- bounding box(4,): x, y, w, h
- polygon(N,2): coordinates
- center(2,): image coordinate x-right y-down
- angle(1,): 0 angle - right (in degree)
- axis(2,): main axis lenght, side axis length
- pt(2,): x, y
Edit -> Export Annotations
- Mask-Single (.png): export segmentation masks in a single image (objects may overlap)
- Mask-Multiple (.png): exports segmetation masks, each image for an object
- Bounding Box (.xml): PASCAL VOC format
- Patches (.png): exports an image patch and segmentation patch for each object
- Skeleton (.png): exports skeletons of objects
- export Empty Annotation:
- export Ground Truth:
- export Approximate Annotation:
- config menu