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Boreeas edited this page Aug 15, 2014 · 2 revisions

Opening replay files

Replay files can be opened via SpectatedGame.openFile() or the constructor of RoflFile, which takes an additional timeout argument for decoding the file.

SpectatedGame fromFile = SpectatedGame.openFile("PBE1-34460609.rofl");
fromFile = new RoflFile(new File("PBE1-34460609.rofl"), 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); // Equivalent

Streaming in-progress games

First, create a SpectatorApiHandler for the specified region:

SpectatorApiHandler handler = new SpectatorApiHandler(Shard.EUW);

Featured Games

List featured games with handler.getFeaturedGames(). Once you have a featured game, you can start spectating it with handler.openFeaturedGame().

InProgressGame game = handler.openFeaturedGame(handler.getFeaturedGames().get(0));

Nonfeatured games

For nonfeatured games, you need to know the platform on which they are played, the game id and the encryption key, which you can retrieve via RTMP (GameService.retrieveInProgressSpectatorGameInfo)

InProgressGame game = handler.openGame(Platform.EUW, gameId, encryptionKey);

Polling game chunks in the background

By default, just opening the game won't load any chunks. For this, there is the GamePool class. Submit InProgressGames to the pool via GamePool.submit(). This will poll the game in the background until the game is completed. If you just want to poll a single game, the static factory method GamePool.singleton() will create a GamePool and submit the specified game in one go.

Chunks and Keyframes

The format for chunks and keyframes is currently unknown. Therefore, the Chunk and Keyframe objects right now are only a thin wrapper around byte[]. See leaguespec for current discussion and research.

SpectatedGame.getKeyframe(id) and SpectatedGame.getChunk(id) retrieve the specified chunk. For file-based games, this method will return immediately. For in-progress games, this will block until the chunk or keyframe has been polled (Remember that this means that if you don't submit the game to a GamePool and don't schedule any polling yourself, those methods will never return). Again, if you prefer async calls, InProgressGame.getFutureKeyFrame(id) and InProgressGame.getFutureChunk(id) return futures.

If you want to see if a chunk or keyframe has been already loaded, InProgressGame.isChunkLoaded(id) (and the keyframe equivalent) return true if the respective chunk has been loaded. If true, getChunk(id) is guaranteed to return immediately.