If you don't want to allow users to enter digits and special character into edittext using mobile keyboard then you can use this code.
I made AlphabetsSymbolsInputFilter class which you can use with your EditText. Even you can specify special characters which you want to allow from user.
class AlphabetsSymbolsInputFilter(symbols: String) : InputFilter {
private var mWordPattern: String
var mLetterPattern: String
init {
mLetterPattern = "[a-zA-Z.$symbols ]"
//mLetterPattern = "[a-zA-Z0-9.$symbols ]" // replace if alphanumeric
mWordPattern = "$mLetterPattern+"
override fun filter(
source: CharSequence,
start: Int,
end: Int,
dest: Spanned,
dstart: Int,
dend: Int
): CharSequence? {
if (source == "") {
println("In backspace")
return source
if (source.isNotEmpty() && source.toString().matches(mWordPattern.toRegex())) {
return source
var sourceStr = ""
if (source.isNotEmpty() && !source.toString().matches(mLetterPattern.toRegex())) {
sourceStr = source.toString()
while (sourceStr.isNotEmpty() && !sourceStr.matches(mWordPattern.toRegex())) {
println(" source --> $source dest ---> $dest")
if (sourceStr.last().isDigit()) {
print("Is digit ")
sourceStr = sourceStr.subSequence(0, sourceStr.length - 1).toString()
} else if (!sourceStr.last().toString().matches(mLetterPattern.toRegex())) {
print("Is emoji or weird symbols")
sourceStr = sourceStr.subSequence(0, sourceStr.length - 1).toString()
} else
return sourceStr
return source
Use below function with EditText filter.
fun editTextAllowAlphabetsSymbols(symbols: String): Array<InputFilter> {
return arrayOf(AlphabetsSymbolsInputFilter(symbols))
Just need to call editTextAllowAlphabetsSymbols() function with EditText's Filter Property.
editTextName.filters = editTextAllowAlphabetsSymbols("")
If you want to allow user to use special character like '$' than you can do like below.
editTextName.filters = editTextAllowAlphabetsSymbols("$")
You can use when taking user input for
- Name, First Name and Last Name
- Birthplace
- State or any places when you don't want to allow user to add digit and special characters.
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