This application implements a pathtracer that renders a cornell box with a shadowed area light, reflections and indirect lighting. I completed this project for an individual coursework submission during my masters degree.
- Moveable camera and Qt GUI
- Toggle direct light, impulse light, indirect light and shadows on and off
- Threaded rendering - Multiple worker threads are started to compute ray samples - The GUI updates to show the image as it is being rendered - Rendering stats (samples / render time) are shown in the GUI
- Extra scene items (reflective spheres) can be toggled on and off
- Ensure qt 5 is installed
- Run
- Run ./pathtracer
- Use W,A,S,D,Q and E to move the camera
- Moving the camera restarts the rendering process
- Hold left shift to move the camera faster
- Adjust rendering settings using the UI
I added a number of debugging modes to the renderer during development. I decided to leave them in and make them toggleable from the UI:
- Pixel view ray directions
- Hit distance
- Hit position
- Surface diffuse color
- Surface normal durection (y/green is up)
- Surface emission