Link to the documentation
This library aims at collecting End User Web performance and streaming it to
- Easy to setup, compatible with modern browsers
- Use the library as a complement of logmatic-js and boomerang libs
- All-in-one minified scripts
- No-wrapper, use Boomerang as usual
- Single Page Application Monitoring (Angular, Backbone, etc.)
You simply have to include the minified scripts and initialize your logger with your key.
If you're using bower, install it as usual: bower install --save logmatic-rum-js
<title>Example to report User Monitoring performance to</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/boomerang.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/logmatic.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/logmatic-rum.min.js"></script>
// set up your Logmatic account
// see @ customize the logger as expected
// set up boomerang
And that's all.
By default, Logmatic-RUM provides these 3 regular Boomerang metrics:
: Time duration between the first page request (i.e. the navigationStart) and the time where thedone()
is fired.t_resp
: Network time durationt_page
: Renderer time duration
So, once loaded in a page you should see this kind of events in the explore view.
"message":"[RUM JS] Page '/#!/phones/motorola-xoom' took 398 ms to load",
"t_domloaded": 230
"http://localhost:8000/phone-detail/phone-detail.module.js took 135 ms",
"http://localhost:8000/phone-detail/phone-detail.component.js took 135 ms",
"http://localhost:8000/phone-list/phone-list.component.js took 132 ms",
"http://localhost:8000/core/phone/phone.service.js took 98 ms",
"http://localhost:8000/core/core.module.js took 95 ms"
In demo/
, you'll find a script that download and launch a simple demo app in order to make some experiments.
We encourage you to have a look at it as you'll be able to shoot a some events in a few seconds.
To start the demo app, follow these steps:
cd demo
# launch a simple and static page
./ "<your-api-key>"
and open http://localhost:8000/ on your browser.
Just don't forget to set your own API key.
has been designed as a regular Boomerang's plugin. Hence, you can leaverage all the features and the use cases provided by Boomerang.
Although you can read the use cases provided in the Boomerang documentation please find below the ones we wanted to highlight here:
- Add your own timers
- Single Page Application Monitoring
- Customize the beacon reporting
- Customize the logger instance
And for developers: Build and contribute
Boomerang allows you to define custom timers for tracking custom components. This feature is emboddied by the RT
plugin directly loaded in the boomerang most basic Boomerang library (so no need to rebuild the library here...).
In order to fine-control when the beacon is fired, you need to disable the autorun mode.
// init Boomerang
autorun: false
You are responsible to fire the beacon somewhere in your code, when your page/app is ready. You have just to call the
To add some custom timers you have to use the 2 following methods: BOOMR.plugins.RT.startTimer("a_timer")
To illustrate this, let's track the angular the dom loading times:
// Somewhere in a controler
function PhoneDetailController($routeParams, Phone) {
var self = this;
// start the timer and labelize it
BOOMR.plugins.RT.startTimer("t_angular"); = Phone.get({phoneId: $routeParams.phoneId}, function(phone) {
// stop the timer and add labelize it
Don't forget to fire the beacon somewhere after the timer.
// At the end of your main controler, when your page is loaded
Events fired look like as the following one:
"t_domloaded": 230,
"t_angular": 23
Actually, we only test this with angular. Please feel free to create an issue if you're facing any troubles.
To use Boomerang and Logmatic with Angular, you need set both Boomerang and Angular.
Get sources from the dist/boomerang-angular
directory, or build your own.
Then, declare initialize the plugin right into init
// AngularJS
Angular: {
enabled: true
autorun: false,
// Disable XHR instrumentation as this is auto-enabled by the SPA-plugins
instrument_xhr: false
Then, in your angular bootstrap script add the following code
// This block enable RUM for angular
.run(['$rootScope', function ($rootScope) {
// If boomerang is loaded to late to watch the first route change happen
// toggle hadRouteChange to true using the routeChangeStart callback.
// This will tell the plugin to fire a beacon immediately as it gets
// initialized and not wait for a routeChange event.
var hadRouteChange = false;
$rootScope.$on("$routeChangeStart", function () {
hadRouteChange = true;
function hookAngularBoomerang() {
if (window.BOOMR && BOOMR.version) {
if (BOOMR.plugins && BOOMR.plugins.Angular) {
// pass your $rootScope object and the aforementioned hadRoueChange variable to
// the hook to both make sure we are listening for route changes and check whether
// or not we we're on time
BOOMR.plugins.Angular.hook($rootScope, hadRouteChange);
return true;
// If we hooked in correctly we would return true if not we wait for the onBoomerangLoaded event
// to fire and try again as we can be sure then that Boomerang has arrived in the page
if (!hookAngularBoomerang()) {
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("onBoomerangLoaded", hookAngularBoomerang);
} else if (document.attachEvent) {
document.attachEvent("onpropertychange", function (e) {
e = e || window.event;
if (e && e.propertyName === "onBoomerangLoaded") {
Depending of the framework uses, check the corresponding documenation API. We also provides a demo app, just look below.
cd demo
./ "<your-api-key>" angular
Right now, you can define how many worst assets the lib reports by setting the option number_of_worst_entries
through the restiming
By default, logmaticRUM reports the worst 10 entries. If you want to change it, set the right property in your code.
// init Boomerang
Logmatic: {
"number_of_worst_entries": 20
uses as default the logmatic instance. But if you have multiple logger, and you want to choose the default one,
you can provides to the library which logger to use as follow.
// init Boomerang
Logmatic: {
logger: my_other_logmatic_handler
If you want to contribute or customize the Boomerang lib with another plugins, we provide some grunt tasks. The project use npm and bower in order to keep proper dependency to the boomerang project.
If you want to set a dev environment and build your release, follow these steps.
Getting latest sources:
git clone
cd logmatic-rum-js
npm install
The default minified script provided by Logmatic contains these plugins:
: the library/plugins/restiming.js
: the restiming plugin/plugins/rt.js
: the RT plugin/plugins/zzz_last_plugin.js
: required for the build
You can build your own boomerang minified script and adding the DNS and BW plugins with grunt
To personalize the build, edit the package.json
file and add your target. Look at the angular
declaration for instance:
"minimal": [
"angular": [
Then, run the grunt
command with the target expected.
grunt --target=angular
The build is generated into the dist/
: the minified version of boomerang. Logging directives have been removed.logmatic-rum.min.js
the minified version of logmatic-rum.