is a clojurescript development environment that - unlike its predecessors - integrates seamlessly with the npm ecosystem to manage JavaScript dependencies. There are also many other conveniences that the author (and contributors - one of which inspired me to write this up) of shadow has provided the JavaScript-come-Clojurescript developer. Herein, we're going to run through how to get setup with shadow. This guide will focus on Atom, but there are many other IDE/text editors you can use for this. I use Atom, so - ultimately - I'm doing this for myself. If anyone else gets anything from it, that's great. Like they say, if you want to understand something, teach it!
This is going to be a whirlwind tour of shadow-cljs for JavaScript developers who use Atom. It was created in a bit of a hurry, so if you find anything confusing please highlight were you're getting lost and I'll follow up. If you'll provide suggestions for improvement - they'll be incorporated.
Waking up ProtoREPL to shadow once config'ed (you'll use this later):
For :devtools
(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :<your build>)
For :target
The author of ProtoREPL has put together a marvelous setup guide, which you can find here. While the author uses Leiningen, you can skip those steps if you'd like. However, I find that there's very little overhead and - perhaps more importantly - just following all the steps is probably the fastest/clearest path. As a bonus, you'll already be setup for Clojure AND Clojurescript development by just following the steps there and here.
By default, ProtoREPL evaluates your code using Clojure (not Clojurescript), so - if you're not careful and use one of the shadow devtools (See: "Convenience REPL References" above), you may mistakenly be evaluating your code on the JVM instead of in JavaScript. Key takeaway: As soon as you wake up your Remote nRepl Connection
in ProtoREPL, eval one of shadow's devtools commands in the REPL.
Both Leiningen and Shadow require a modern version of Java SDK installed. The recommended version - as of the time of writing - is version 8, which you can find here. Don’t worry, you won’t have to touch Java for Clojurescript. It just needs the compiler.
npm install -g shadow-cljs
In the root directory of your project, create a shadow-cljs.edn
file. At the top of shadow-cljs.edn
add line:
{:source-paths ["src"]}
You can also see a starter shadow-cljs.edn
file from your terminal with shadow-cljs init
Create a src
folder in the root directory of your project. The src
folder is where you'll create a user.clj
file, wherein you include the short program:
(ns user)
(defn reset [])
As mentioned in the shadow docs: "The file must define the user/reset fn since Proto REPL will call that when connecting. If user/reset is not found it will call tools.namespace which destroys the running shadow-cljs server. We don’t want that."
No, we don't want that.
Edit the shadow-cljs.edn
file by adding [proto-repl "0.3.1"]
to a :dependencies
key and set the :nrepl
port (using 3333 here, but you can use whatever you prefer). Find out more about dependencies in the docs. It should look like this:
{:source-paths ["src"]
:dependencies [[proto-repl "0.3.1"]]
:nrepl {:port 3333}}
Add the following scripts to your package.json
file and install the necessary dependencies:
"scripts": {
"dev": "shadow-cljs watch app",
"release": "shadow-cljs release app"
"devDependencies": {
"shadow-cljs": "<version>"
Once that's set up, in your terminal, run: shadow-cljs server
You should now have the most basic shadow server up and running. In your terminal you should see:
shadow-cljs - starting ...
shadow-cljs - Using IP "" from Interface "Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter #2"
shadow-cljs - server version: 2.3.23
shadow-cljs - server running at
shadow-cljs - socket repl running at localhost:52249
shadow-cljs - nREPL server started on port 3333
upon running the first time, you will have a new folder in your project: .shadow-cljs
Now that you have your base project setup, you can get the fun part: Using the REPL!!
In Atom use your Atom Command Pallet (mine is ctrl+shift+p
) and find:
Proto Repl: Remote Nrepl Connection
In the dialog that pops up leave the setting for "host": localhost
enter the :nrepl
port you set in your shadow-cljs.edn
in this case
Now, just try out some Clojure(script) in the REPL that pops up. Something like:
(+ 1 2)
Hit shift+enter
and you should see 3
in the REPL. If you got that, congrats! We're now ready for development!
There are a number of :target
s you can set Shadow for.
Each build in shadow-cljs must define a :target
which defines where you intend your code to be executed. There are default built-ins for the browser and node.js. They all share the basic concept of having :dev and :release modes. :dev mode provides all the usual development goodies like fast compilation, live code reloading and a REPL. :release mode will produce optimized output intended for production.
Targets are covered in separate chapters.
Here are some of them:
:browser Output code suitable for running in a web browser.
:bootstrap Output code suitable for running in bootstrapped cljs environment.
:browser-test Scan for tests to determine required files, and output tests suitable for running in the browser.
:karma Scan for tests to determine required files, and output karma-runner compatible tests. See Karma.
:node-library Output code suitable for use as a node library.
:node-script Output code suitable for use as a node script.
:npm-module Output code suitable for use as an NPM module.
This means that you can - with Shadow - deploy an app, a node module or a simple node script without ever leaving Shadow. Also, perhaps in the not too distant future, you may see React Native on the list!
We are going to cover two of these:
- Web Application
- Node Library
Let's setup a project for building a web app! If you'd like to see more configuration notes, please check out this entry in the shadow github.
If you'll recall in our package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "shadow-cljs watch app",
"release": "shadow-cljs release app"
We have app
set in our scripts. This is the name of the build that we'll make our web app with. We can change this to anything we wish, but we'll stick with it for now.
We are going to add some config to our shadow-cljs.edn
{:source-paths ["src"]
:dependencies [[proto-repl "0.3.1"]]
:nrepl {:port 3333}
{:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "public/js"
:asset-path "js"
:modules {:main {:entries [app.core]}
:devtools {:before-load app.core/stop
:after-load app.core/start
:http-root "public"
:http-port 8020}}}
Let's break this down one line at a time:
; This key tells shadow what builds we have for our app
; This is the name we'll give our first build
; We're targeting the browser
{:target :browser
; In our ["src"] where all our build files will go
:output-dir "public/js"
; The destination - relative to the :output-dir - of the compiled Clojurescript
:asset-path "js"
; The :modules section of the config is always a map keyed by module ID.
; The module ID is also used to generate the Javascript filename. Module :main will generate main.js in :output-dir.
; The entry file's namespace. See Note 1) below
{:entries [app.core]}}
; The :devtools section see Reference 2) in the References at the Bottom of this Section
; A symbol (with namespace) of a function to run just before refreshing files that have been recompiled.
{:before-load app.core/stop
; A symbol (with namespace) of a function to run after hot code reload is complete.
:after-load app.core/start
; The disk path from which to serve root filesystem requests. If not supplied, no disk files are served.
:http-root "public"
; The port to serve from. See more in References
:http-port 8020}}}}
setup is structured like this:
{:app {:target :browser
:output-dir "public/js"
:asset-path "/js"
:modules {:main {:entries [app.core]}}}}}
whose file structure should look like this:
├── package.json
├── shadow-cljs.edn
└── src
└── app
└── core.cljs
Notice that the folder structure must mimic the :entries
namespace. The convention being that the highest level namespace (app
) is a folder right below the src
path and first child namespaces (core
) is directly under the highest level namespace (app.core
= app/core
- You can find out more about these settings in the documentation
Create an html file that looks something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Starter project</title>
<div id="app"></div> <!-- your build -->
<script src="/js/main.js"></script> <!-- main.js from your :output-dir -->
<script>app.core.init();</script><!-- an init script. See why in "Create a Starter File" -->
In your core.cljs
file (if you're following along), create a simple starter file like this:
(ns app.core)
(js/console.log "Hey from proto-repl!")
(js/alert "foo")
(defn stop [] ; :devtools {:before-load script
(js/console.log "Stopping..."))
(defn start [] ; :devtools {:after-load script
(js/console.log "Starting..."))
(defn ^:export init [] ; this is the `app.core.init()` that's triggered in the html
Once you've changed your shadow-cljs.edn
file, you'll have to restart the shadow dev environment to pick up the new configuration. Don't worry, that's the only time you'll really have to restart it. However instead of running: shadow-cljs server
in your terminal, you'll run:
npm run dev
So that shadow can pick up the build settings in package.json
Now that you've config'ed your shadow-cljs.edn for web development, once you save the file, shadow will reload and offer you the http port you specified to open in a browser. When your browser loads the above code, it should show an alert:
And you should see in your console:
Hey from proto-repl! core.cljs:8
shadow-cljs: WebSocket connected! browser.cljs:27
shadow-cljs: REPL init successful browser.cljs:27
Starting... core.cljs:16
Once you've connected to the browser input into ProtoREPL in Atom:
(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :app) ;; :app = build id
(Here :app
is the name in your :builds
You should see this printed in the REPL:
To quit, type: :cljs/quit
[:selected :app]
Now play around with some of the marvelous REPL goodness available in Atom!
- Proto REPL(Atom) link
in shadow- configuring lifecycle hooks like
- configuring HTTP
Let's create a new folder and file to seed our new Node library.
Under the src
folder, create a new folder: lib
Then, within that folder we'll create another core.cljs
and add this to the file:
(ns lib.core)
(defn hello [& cli-args]
(prn "hello world"))
The target-specific options for a :node-library
Use :node-library
(required). The path and filename for the generated library.
(required) Either a single namespace-qualified symbol or a map from keywords to namespace-qualified symbols.
(optional). The path for supporting files in development mode. Defaults to a cache directory.
We'll change our package.json
like so:
"scripts": {
"dev": "shadow-cljs watch lib",
"release": "shadow-cljs release lib"
Now we'll setup shadow to build our Clojurescript into a Node library, which we can then use from other JavaScript code!
{:source-paths ["src"]
:dependencies [[proto-repl "0.3.1"]]
:nrepl {:port 3333}
; {:app {:target :browser
; :output-dir "public/js"
; :asset-path "js"
; :modules {:main {:entries [app.core]}
; :devtools {:before-load app.core/stop
; :after-load app.core/start
; :http-root "public"
; :http-port 8020}}}}
{:lib {:target :node-library
:output-dir "public/lib"
:output-to "public/lib/library.js"
:exports {:hello lib.core/hello}}}}
(ns lib.core)
(defn hello [& cli-args]
(prn "hello world"))
(prn "Hey from proto-repl!") ;; test proto-repl
Now we should be able to restart our shadow in our terminal:
npm run dev
For Node development - unlike when targeting the browser - you'll use:
to wake up ProtoREPL to your build. I made the mistake of not eval'ing this and got stuck for a while trying to figure out what I did wrong. Don't be like me. Eval!
Execute the block of code using ProtoREPL (ctrl+, b
/ctrl+alt, b
(prn "Hey from proto-repl!")
And you should see: "Hey from proto-repl!"
in ProtoREPL.
Now, in your terminal, you should be able to open the file (library.js
in this case) in the :output-to
directory (public/lib
in this case).
Now, let's check to ensure everything's in order for access via Node...
Change your "super basic" lib/core.cljs
file for testing in Node:
(ns lib.core)
(defn hello [& cli-args]
(prn "hello world"))
(prn "Hey from node!") ; test out Node
setup is structured like this:
{:lib {:target :node-library
:output-dir "public/lib"
:output-to "public/lib/library.js"
:exports {:hello lib.core/hello}}}}
Your file structure should look like this:
├── package.json
├── shadow-cljs.edn
└── src
└── lib
└── core.cljs
As with other build setups, the folder structure must mimic the namespace. In this case the :exports
namespace (lib
) is a folder right below the src
path and first child namespaces (core
) is directly under the highest level namespace (lib.core
= lib/core
). Also, note that :hello
is the exported object from the namespace lib.core/hello
. This is how you will require
this library in your JavaScript projects. I.e.: var x = require(')
The :exports map maps CLJS vars to the name they should be exported to.
Now, in a new tab/window in your terminal, jump into your public\lib
folder and just use the node
command to start the runtime.
$ cd lib
$ node
> var x = require('./library.js');
"Hey from node!"
You should see "Hey from node!"
, which we prn
ted from within the namespace, but - also - we can use our compiled JavaScript from node!
> var x = require('./library.js');
"Hey from node!"
> x.hello()
'hello world'
If you got this far, you're ready to rock on your new Node Library! WOOT! You can use the compiled code from any JavaScript program just like a regular module.export
As with other builds, you can leverage the awesome REPL-driven-development style of clojurescript by waking up ProtoREPL:
- In Atom, fire up your Remote ProtoREPL server (
ctrl, y
/ctrl+al, y
) or search in your Atom Command Pallet forProtoREPL: Remote nRepl Connection
) and connect to your localhost at your port (3333 in this case). - When ProtoREPL pops up, eval:
(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/nrepl-select :lib)
and you're up and running your interactive Node environment!
If you still have your node
session running (via ...require('./library')
in this case) in your terminal, when you eval a block of code in your project (ctrl+b
), you should see the result both in ProtoREPL as well as in your terminal.
- You may forget to eval the shadow devtools commands after connecting to your
Remote nRepl Connection
, in which case you'll get this warning:
No application has connected to the REPL server. Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code.
- If you get two consecutive errors while using
s REPL, ProtoREPL will kick you out of(shadow.cljs.devtools.api/node-repl)
and put you back into it's default Clojure REPL. In which case you'll see the following error when trying to eval cljs code:
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: go in this context, compiling:
In either case, If you run into strange issues, you may find it quicker to just use one the following commands:
Usually it's just a matter of re-entering the shadow REPL:
But, if that doesn't work:
- Restart ProtoREPL (close the panel)
- Atom Command Pallet: Connect to
Proto Repl: Remote nRepl Connection
- In the ProtoREPL
This should get you back in the saddle. If not, restart shadow
(npm run dev
) and run through the 3 steps above.
If you get a warning about an existing alias
- Atom Command Pallet: Clear your namespaces:
Proto Repl: Refresh Namespaces
- Atom Command Pallet: Clear all values:
Proto Repl: Clear Saved Values
- Atom Command Pallet: Connect to
Proto Repl: Remote nRepl Connection
- Shadow-cljs JavaScript Exports Elaborated
If you’ve never touched clojure(script) before, get started right away with some koans!
Or, play with your freshly minted learning environment by cloning some practice examples.