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Creating and starting a project guide with screenshots

Dmitry edited this page Jul 31, 2018 · 2 revisions

Create a new project

To create a new project open new terminal and enter:

ngrest create Echo

screenshot 04

Project is created:

screenshot 05

Start the project

When a project is generated, an echo operation is added into each service. It's only provided as fast example and can be safely removed when you write your own operations.

You can start your project right after it's created:

cd echo

Project is now built and started:

screenshot 06

Now you can try your service operations: <Ctrl>+Click a link marked blue to open services tester in your browser.

Basic information about the service with auto-generated description:

screenshot 07

To test echo operation click "echo" link:

screenshot 08

Enter something into "text" field and click "Submit".

Result of echo operation:

screenshot 09

Adding new services into the project

You can add new services into existing project by using addservice command.

ngrest addservice Extra