This was a small personal project for me to build and have fun and take a sneak peek of the technologies that I already know some or I'll going to learn/learn more like;
- Vite
- TailwindCSS
- Docker + Docker Compose
- Redux for React
- Go
- WebSockets
Goal of this project was to build a custom interface to show both personal pc's CPU temperature and usage as well as server pc's CPU temperature and usage. And we have completed the project!
Next goals and todos for this project are:
- Add comments to codes that I write or AI has written for me.
- Add some extra features to UI.
- Setup GitHub actions to deploy new versions automatically.
- Setup small admin dashboard (without authentication) to manage colors.
- Add different presets and switch between them via admin dashboard.
- Add lazy loading feature for containers to stop them when screen has turned off.