Zinc is a browser that focuses on performance and privacy while keeping itself running with low resource usage. The browser is written in TypeScript and it is based on Chromium and Electron framework(not to be scared). Depending on Electron doesn't mean its performance is bad.
Option 1: Using the Zinc Installer(Currently developing)
Option 2: Downloading Zinc from releases page and extract
As I said, Zinc focuses on performance and privacy while use only a little portion of your system resources. Zinc manages to use just 80 MB of RAM with 3 tabs opened. Zinc also has exclusive features for different regions.
Many people said Electron is a horrible framework for desktop applications but no, Zinc proves us wrong. Zinc keeps itself fast while using very little amount of RAM. Therefore, stop bringing complains about Electron here, thank you! Enjoy!
Head to the wiki page and learn more about it!