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LocalStack pre-commit hooks

Usage in Repositories


You need to add pre-commit to your python environment and install the hooks:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install


Then, to use hooks from this repo add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

  - repo:
    rev: v1.2.1
      - id: check-pinned-deps-for-needed-upgrade


To run a hook manually on the staged changes use the following command:

pre-commit run <hook-id> --files $(git diff --name-only --cached)

Available Hooks

  • check-pinned-deps-for-needed-upgrade: This hook will notify contributors if the project file has changed and the pinned dependencies do not satisfy the project file. The project file can either be pyproject.toml or setup.cfg. If the pyproject.toml file contains a project section, the hook will check the pyproject.toml file, otherwise it will check the setup.cfg file.

Adding new Hooks

To add a new hook, create a new python file in the localstack_pre_commit directory. It should have a function called main that takes a list of files as an argument. The function should return a 0 if the hook passes and a 1 if it fails. After creating the hook, add the main function to the project.scripts section of the pyproject.toml file using a concise script name.

Then create a new entry in the pre-commit-hooks.yaml file giving the hook a unique id and referencing the script name from the pyproject.toml file. Also give a brief description of what the hook does.

Finally, add the hook to the file in the ## Available Hooks section.