pyHashtag is a python lib made to insert hashtag into text. This lib was made originaly for Twitter, but hashtag are fairly universal.
Here is a small exemple of what it does:
Clearest Shot of Mars ever taken from space.
Clearest Shot of #Mars ever taken from #Space.
Installing this python lib is as simple as runing this command in your terminal :
pip install git+
If you want to verify the install way succesfull you can do :
pip show pyHashtag
Your help is welcome, you can help us to enlarge our database of usefull hashtag.
Here is the structure of the database:
"<word to be replace>" : "#<the Hashtag>",
Here is a exemple of a line of the database
"nasa" : "#NASA",
You can edit de database here
# importing pyHashtag
import pyHashtag
# add Hashtag to your text
pyHashtag.hashtag("Clearest Shot of Mars ever taken from space.")
# return "Clearest Shot of #Mars ever taken from #Space."
# update your local database from pulling directly from github