There are many great Portfolio templates available on GitHub; however, I didn't find one that really suited my needs so I created this enhanced one.
There are two versions:
- React + TailwindCSS
- HTML + TailwindCSS
But the coolest part there is also a figma file of the design and a custom 3D character that you customize and make the portfolio that more personal.
See this video or follow the steps below:
You dont have to do anythig...its already finished, but if you want to customize the theme color
Make sure you have npm installed and then just do these:
npm install
npm run watch
And start changing the theme hex color code.
See this video or follow the steps below:
Make sure you have npm installed and then just do:
npm install
npm run start
Yup.. thats pretty much it.
Start customizing it and add your info and projects.
Figma is free and you can customize the 3D character, but
to be honest just watch this video its easier that way.