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NIM Anywhere Developer Documentation

NIM Anywhere serves two purposes as a rapid NVIDIA NIM demonstrator as well as a starting point for developing with NIMs. The intention is to democratize access to NIMs and demonstrate the value of NIMs.

NIM Anywhere Screenshot

Project Components

This project contains applications for a few demo services as well as integrations with external services. These are all orchestrated by NVIDIA AI Workbench.

The demo services are all in the code folder. The root level of the code folder has a few interactive notebooks meant for technical deep dives. The Chain Server is a sample application utilizing NIMs with LangChain. The Chat Frontend folder contains an interactive UI server for excersising the chain server. Finally, sample notebooks are provided in the Evaluation directory to demonstrate retriveval scoring and validation.

  root((AI Workbench))
    Demo Services
        Chain Server<br />LangChain + NIMs
        Frontend<br />Interactive Demo UI
        Evaluation<br />Validate the results
        Notebooks<br />Advanced usage

        Redis</br>Conversation History
        Milvus</br>Vector Database
        LLM NIM</br>Optimized LLMs

Getting Started

This project is designed to be used with NVIDIA AI Workbench. While this is not a requirement, running this demo without AI Workbench will require manual work as the pre-configured automation and integrations may not be available.


  • NVIDIA Driver
  • Docker
  • Ubuntu 22.04 on the developemnt machine

AI Workbench Quickstart

  1. Download execute the NVIDIA AI Workbench Installer.
  2. Run the installation
    • Select Docker during the install
    • Perform any manual installs that are requested
  3. If you are working on a remote machine, run the remote install of Workbench on that machine as well.
  4. Open the Workbench UI
  5. Go to the settings and configure the integration with GitHub.
  6. If you are working on a remote machine, add the remote machine as a location.

Cloning the project

  1. Open the desired location in AI Workbench
  2. Select Clone Project
  3. Enter this repository in the repository URL
  4. The default path is fine, but it can be modified as desired
  5. Open the clonded project in the workbench UI then configure the secrets and mounts

Running the project

  1. In the Workbench project navigate to Environment -> Apps
  2. Start Redis, Milvus, and the NIM (if local execution is desired). Wait for these to finish.
  3. Start the Chain Server. The Chain Server has a UI that can be launched from Workbench. This UI is good for development and shows full chain traces.
  4. Start the Chat Frontend. This will automatically open the UI.

Populating the Knowledge Base

  1. To import PDF documentation into the vector databse, open Jupyter.
  2. Use the upload-pdfs.ipynb notebook to ingest the default dataset. If ussing the default dataset, no changes are necessary.
  3. If using a custom dataset, upload it to the data directory in Jupyter and modify the provided notebook as necessary.

Application Configuration

The Chain Server can be configured with either a configuration file or environment variables.

Config from a file

By default, the application will search for a configuration file in all of the following locations. If multiple configuration files are found, values from lower files in the list will take precendence.

  • ./config.yaml
  • ./config.yml
  • ./config.json
  • ~/app.yaml
  • ~/app.yml
  • ~/app.json
  • /etc/app.yaml
  • /etc/app.yml
  • /etc/app.json

Config from a custom file

An additional config file path can be specified through an environment variable named APP_CONFIG. The value in this file will take precedence over all the default file locations.

export APP_CONFIG=/etc/my_config.yaml

Config from env vars

Configuration can also be set using environment variables. The variable names will be in the form: APP_FIELD__SUB_FIELD Values specified as environment variables will take precedence over all values from files.

Chain Server config schema

# Your API key for authentication to AI Foundation.
# Type: string, null
nvidia_api_key: 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

# The Data Source Name for your Redis DB.
# ENV Variables: APP_REDIS_DSN
# Type: string
redis_dsn: redis://localhost:6379/0

    # The name of the model to request.
    # ENV Variables: APP_CHAT_MODEL__NAME
    # Type: string
    name: meta/llama3-70b-instruct

    # The URL to the model API.
    # ENV Variables: APP_CHAT_MODEL__URL
    # Type: string

    # The name of the model to request.
    # Type: string
    name: NV-Embed-QA

    # The host machine running Milvus vector DB.
    # ENV Variables: APP_MILVUS__URL
    # Type: string
    url: http://localhost:19530

    # The name of the Milvus collection.
    # Type: string
    collection_name: collection_1

# Options for the logging levels.
# ENV Variables: APP_LOG_LEVEL
log_level: WARNING

Chat Frontend config schema

The chat frontend has a few configuraiton options as well. They can be set in the same manner as the chain server.

# The URL to the chain on the chain server.
# ENV Variables: APP_CHAIN_URL
# Type: string
chain_url: http://localhost:3030/

# The url prefix when this is running behind a proxy.
# Type: string
proxy_prefix: /

# Path to the chain server's config.
# Type: string
chain_config_file: ./config.yaml

# Options for the logging levels.
# ENV Variables: APP_LOG_LEVEL
log_level: INFO


All feedback and contributions to this project are welcome. When making changes to this project, either for personal use or for contributing, it is recomended to work on a fork on this project. Once the changes have been completed on the fork, a Merge Request should be opened.

Updating the frontend

The frontend has been designed in an effort to minimize the required HTML and Javascript development. A branded and styled Application Shell is provided that has been created with vanilla HTML, Javascript, and CSS. It is designed to be easy to customize, but it should never be required. The interactive components of the frontend are all created in Gradio and mounted in the app shell using iframes.

Along the top of the app shell is a menu listing the avaiable views. Each view may have its own layout consisting of one or a few pages.

Creating a new page

Pages contain the interactive components for a demo. The code for the pages is in the code/frontend/pages directory. To create a new page:

  1. Create a new folder in the pages directory
  2. Create an file in the new directory that uses Gradio to define the UI. The Gradio Blocks layout should be defined in a variable called page.
  3. It is recomended that any CSS and JS files needed for this view be saved in the same directory. See the chat page for an example.
  4. Open the code/frontend/pages/ file, import the new page, and add the new page to the __all__ list.

NOTE: Creating a new page will not add it to the frontend. It must be added to a view to appear on the Frontend.

Adding a view

View consist of one or a few pages and should function independantly of each other. Views are all defined in the code/frontend/ module. All declared views will automatically be added to the Frontend’s menu bar and made available in the UI.

To define a new view, modify the list named views. This is a list of View objects. The order of the objects will define their order in the Frontend menu. The first defined view will be the default.

View objects describe the view name and layout. They can be declared as follow:

my_view = frontend.view.View(
  name="My New View",  # the name in the menu
  left=frontend.pages.sample_page,  # the page to show on the left
  right=frontend.pages.another_page,  # the page to show on the right

All of the page declarations, View.left or View.right, are optional. If they are not declared, then the associated iframes in the web layout will be hidden. The other iframes will expand to fill the gaps. The following diagrams show the various layouts.

  • All pages are defined
    columns 1
    menu["menu bar"]
        columns 2
        left right
  • Only left is defined
    columns 1
    menu["menu bar"]
        columns 1

Frontend branding

The frontend contains a few branded assets that can be customized for different use cases.


The frontend contains a logo on the top left of the page. To modify the logo, an SVG of the desired logo is required. The app shell can then be easily modified to use the new SVG by modifying the code/frontend/_assets/index.html file. There is a single div with an ID of logo. This box contains a single SVG. Update this to the desired SVG definition.

<div id="logo" class="logo">
    <svg viewBox="0 0 164 30">...</svg>

Color scheme

The styling of the App Shell is defined in code/frontend/_static/css/style.css. The colors in this file may be safely modfied.

The styling of the various pages are defined in code/frontend/pages/*/*.css. These files may also require modification for custom color schemes.

Gradio theme

The Gradio theme is defined in the file code/frontend/_assets/theme.json. The colors in this file can safely be modified to the desired branding. Other styles in this file may also be changed, but may cause breaking changes to the frontend. The Gradio documentation contains more information on Gradio theming.

Messaging between pages

NOTE: This is an advanced topic that most developers will never require.

Occasionally, it may be necessary to have multiple pages in a view that communicate with each other. For this purpose, Javascript’s postMessage messaging framework is used. Any trusted message posted to the application shell will be forwarded to each iframe where the pages can handle the message as desired. The control page uses this feature to modify the configuration of the chat page.

The following will post a message to the app shell ( The message will contain a dictionary with the key use_kb and a value of true. Using Gradio, this Javascript can be executed by any Gradio event.{"use_kb": true}, '*');

This message will automatically be sent to all pages by the app shell. The following sample code will consume the message on another page. This code will run asynchronously when a message event is recieved. If the message is trusted, a Gradio component with the elem_id of use_kb will be updated to the value specified in the message. In this way, the value of a Gradio component can be duplicated across pages.

  (event) => {
      if (event.isTrusted) {
          use_kb = gradio_config.components.find((element) => element.props.elem_id == "use_kb");
          use_kb.props.value =["use_kb"];

Updating documentation

Documentation is written in Markdown format and then rendered to HTML using Pandoc. The documentation can be opened using the application drawer to start the Documentation server. Restarting the documentation server will update the documentation to reflect changes.

All documentation is in the docs folder. Any markdown files in this folder will be concatenated, in alphabetic order, to produce the full manual.

Save all static content, including images, to the _static folder. Static content outside of this folder may work in Markdown format, but will break in HTML format.

Dynamic documentation

It may be helpful to have documents that update and write themselves. To create a dynamic document, simply create a Python script with the extension. The script must be executable and should write the Markdown formatted document to stdout. During build time, this script will be run to update the markdown file with the same name.

HTML template

There are two files that control the template.

  • .template.html is the HTML template used by Pandoc. It is based heavily on a project called Easy Pandoc Templates. This file can be customized or replaced to change how to documentation looks. For tips on doing this, check out the Pandoc documentation.
  • .puppeteer.json is a configuration file used in Mermaid rendering. There is not likely to be a situation where modifying this is necessary.

Publishing documentation

Make can be used to manage the lifecycle of the documentation.

  • make render will render all of the dynamic documentation pages to Markdown
  • make build will build the documentation HTML from Markdown
  • make clean will clean all cached builds
  • make serve will start a local webserver for viewing the documentation
  • make stop will stop a running webserver
  • make status will check the status of the webserver

Mermaid support

The documentation supports creating dynamic flowcharts using mermaid. This is done using the mermaid-filter extension for Pandoc. To include a diagram in your documentation, include something like this:

flowchart TD
    A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
    B --> C{Let me think}
    C -->|One| D[Laptop]
    C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
    C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]

For help with the Mermaid syntax, reference the Mermaid documentation and check out the Mermaid Live Editor.

Managing your Developement Environment

Environment Variables

Most of the configuration for the development environment happens with Environment Variables. To make permanent changes to environment variables, modify variables.env or use the Workbench UI.

Python Environment Packages

This project uses one Python environment at /usr/bin/python3 and dependencies are managed with pip. Becuse all development is done inside a container, any changes to the Python environment will be ephemeral. To permanently install a Python package, add it to the requirements.txt file or use the Workbench UI.

Operating System Configuration

The development environment is based on Ubuntu 22.04. The primary user has password-less sudo access, but all changes to the system will be ephemeral. To make permanent changes to installed packages, add them to the [apt.txt] file. To make other changes to the operating system such as manipulating files, adding environment variables, etc; use the podBuild.bash and preBuild.bash files.


Accelerate your Generative AI with NIMs.







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  • Python 59.1%
  • Shell 12.3%
  • CSS 9.0%
  • Jupyter Notebook 7.4%
  • JavaScript 7.0%
  • HTML 5.2%