Boilerplate of API in .NET 8
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Boilerplate is a piece of code that helps you to quickly kick-off a project or start writing your source code. It is kind of a template - instead of starting an empty project and adding the same snippets each time, you can use the boilerplate that already contains such code.
Intention - The intention behind this project is to mix a variety of different approaches to show different available paths. That's why you can find here the Service approach mixed-up with Repository approach, or old-fashioned controllers mixed-up with brand new minimal API in a separate module (modular approach). As well as, it's a kind of playground for exploring frameworks, packages, tooling. At the end, You are in charge, so it's your decision to which path you would like to follow.
- Source code contains
- Run the solution
- How to adapt
- Architecture
- DB Migrations
- Tests
- Books module
- To Do
- Central Package Management (CPM)
- Swagger + Swashbuckle
- FeatureManagement (Feature Flags, Feature Toggles)
- HealthChecks
- EF Core
- Dapper
- Tests
- Integration tests with InMemory database
- FluentAssertions
- xUnit
- Verify
- Verify.Http
- TestServer
- Unit tests
- Integration tests with InMemory database
- Security
- Code quality
- Architectural tests (conventional tests)
- Analyzers
- Code analysis rule set HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.ruleset
- Code analysis with CodeQL
- Code coverage
- EditorConfig (.editorconfig)
- Docker
- Dockerfile
- Docker-compose
with DB
with DB initializationnetcore-boilerplate:compose
- Build and test
- Push to registry
- Serilog
- Sink: Async
- DbUp as a db migration tool
- Continuous integration
To run the solution, use one of the options:
- Standalone
- In docker
- Docker compose (recommended)
After successful start of the solution in any of above option, check useful endpoints:
- swagger - http://localhost:5000/swagger/
- health check - http://localhost:5000/healthz/ready
- version - http://localhost:5000/version
When running standalone, features like
might be disabled.
Execute dotnet run --project src/HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.Api
in the root directory.
When running in docker, features like
are disabled.
- Docker Hub -
- GitHub Container Registry -
Simply execute docker run --rm -p 5000:8080 --name netcore-boilerplate lkurzyniec/netcore-boilerplate
to download and spin up a container.
To run in docker with your own image, execute docker build . -t netcore-boilerplate:local
in the root directory to build an image,
and then docker run --rm -p 5000:8080 --name netcore-boilerplate netcore-boilerplate:local
to spin up a container with it.
When running on
(i.e. WSL), make sure that all docker files (dockerfile, docker-compose and all mssql files) have line endingsLF
Just execute docker-compose up
command in the root directory.
When the entire environment is up and running, you can additionally run a migration tool to add some new schema objects into MsSQL DB.
To do that, go to src/HappyCode.NetCoreBoilerplate.Db
directory and execute dotnet run
Generally it is totally up to you! But in case you do not have any plan, You can follow below simple steps:
- Download/clone/fork repository
⤵️ - Remove components and/or classes that you do not need to 🔥
- Rename files (e.g.
), folders, namespaces etc 📝 - Appreciate the work ⭐
- The entry point of the app - Program.cs
- Simple Startup class - Startup.cs
- MvcCore
- DbContext (with MySQL)
- DbContext (with MsSQL)
- Swagger and SwaggerUI (Swashbuckle)
- HostedService and HttpClient
- Core components and Books module registration
- FeatureManagement
- HealthChecks
- Infrastructure
configuration place - SerilogConfigurator.csSwagger
registration place - SwaggerRegistration.cs- Feature flag documentation filter - FeatureFlagSwaggerDocumentFilter.cs
- Security requirement operation filter - SecurityRequirementSwaggerOperationFilter.cs
- Filters
- Simple
Authorization filter - ApiKeyAuthorizationFilter.cs - Action filter to validate
- ValidateModelStateFilter.cs - Global exception filter - HttpGlobalExceptionFilter.cs
- Simple
- Logging
- Custom enricher to have version properties in logs - VersionEnricher.cs
- Simple custom middleware that logs connection info - ConnectionInfoMiddleware.cs
- Simple exemplary API controllers - EmployeesController.cs, CarsController.cs, PingsController.cs
- Example of BackgroundService - PingWebsiteBackgroundService.cs
- Models
- Dto models
- DB models
- AppSettings models - Settings
- DbContexts
- MySQL DbContext - EmployeesContext.cs
- MsSQL DbContext - CarsContext.cs
- Providers
- Version provider - VersionProvider.cs
- Core registrations - CoreRegistrations.cs
- Exemplary MySQL repository - EmployeeRepository.cs
- Exemplary MsSQL service - CarService.cs
- Console application as a simple db migration tool - Program.cs
- Sample migration scripts, both
- S001_AddCarTypesTable.sql, S002_ModifySomeRows.cs
- Infrastructure
- Fixture with TestServer - TestServerClientFixture.cs
- TestStartup with InMemory databases - TestStartup.cs
- Simple data feeders - EmployeeContextDataFeeder.cs, CarsContextDataFeeder.cs
- Fakes - FakePingService.cs
- Exemplary tests - EmployeesTests.cs, CarsTests.cs, PingsTests.cs
- Exemplary tests - EmployeesControllerTests.cs, CarsControllerTests.cs, PingsControllerTests.cs
- API Infrastructure Unit tests
- Extension methods to mock
faster - EnumerableExtensions.cs - Exemplary tests - EmployeeRepositoryTests.cs, CarServiceTests.cs
- Providers tests
- Exemplary tests - ApiArchitecturalTests.cs, CoreArchitecturalTests.cs
Totally separate module, developed with a modular monolith approach.
The code organized around features (vertical slices).
- Features
- Delete book - Endpoint.cs, Command.cs
- Get book - Endpoint.cs, Query.cs
- Get books - Endpoint.cs, Query.cs
- Upsert book - Endpoint.cs, Command.cs
- Sqlite db initializer - DbInitializer.cs
- Module configuration place - BooksModuleConfigurations.cs
- Infrastructure
- Fixture with TestServer - TestServerClientFixture.cs
- Very simple data feeder - BooksDataFeeder.cs
- Exemplary tests - BooksTests.cs
- any idea? Please create an issue.
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- you learn something,
- you are using it in your project/application,
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, appreciate my work. Thanks!
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