The best way to mock independent observable is to use interval:
val o = Observable.interval(200 millis).take(5)
o.subscribe(n => System.out.println(s"observing interval = ${n}"))
will print nothing (the application ends before something was emmited)
Use toBlocking:
val o = Observable.interval(200 millis).take(5)
o.toBlocking.subscribe(n => System.out.println(s"observing interval = ${n}"))
observing interval = 0
observing interval = 1
observing interval = 2
observing interval = 3
observing interval = 4
Creating Observable with .create:
private def observableInt(amountMax: Int = 10): Observable[Int] = {
{ observer => {
try {
val a = true
if (!observer.isUnsubscribed) {
(1 to amountMax) foreach {
i => {
System.out.println(s"observable: emitting ${i} and waiting for next item")
} catch {
case e: Exception => observer.onError(e)
Only .groupBy will create an Observable[partition[T], Observable[T1]]
, so it makes sense to use it together with flatMap:
def groupByExample = {
val o: Observable[IntPair] = observableInt()
.groupBy(_ % 2)
case (partition, lines) =>{el => new IntPair(partition, el)})
o subscribe {el => {System.out.println(s"example of consuming ${el}")}}
observable: emitting 1 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 1 and 1
observable: emitting 2 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 0 and 2
observable: emitting 3 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 1 and 3
observable: emitting 4 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 0 and 4
observable: emitting 5 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 1 and 5
observable: emitting 6 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 0 and 6
observable: emitting 7 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 1 and 7
observable: emitting 8 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 0 and 8
observable: emitting 9 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 1 and 9
observable: emitting 10 and waiting for next item
consuming Pair of 0 and 10