x data disk/mount
x Alison's laptop backup
x snapraid sync script
- backups (backblaze)
- mediaserver scripts
- photo libraries/handling
- Nextcloud
Ansible project to configure my media server.
My media server is pretty much based on these links (started with the 2016 link, the second link came along after I'd already gotten something built):
* https://www.linuxserver.io/2016/02/02/the-perfect-media-server-2016/
* https://www.linuxserver.io/2017/06/24/the-perfect-media-server-2017/
This ansible config inspired by the following repository from the author of both of the above links:
* https://github.com/IronicBadger/ansible
Here's another good ansible/vagrant with snapraid and mergerfs link:
* http://zacklalanne.me/using-vagrant-to-virtualize-multiple-hard-drives/
This project uses some roles from ansible galaxy. To install them:
$ ansible-galaxy install --role-file requirements.yml --roles-path roles.galaxy
This project includes a Vagrantfile for local development. Simply...
$ vagrant up
Or, if vm already exists...
$ vagrant provision
Or, to target specfic ansible configuration:
ANSILBE_ARGS='--tags snapraid' vagrant provision
The vagrant guest addtions plugin should be installed (no configuration should be necessary though).
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
To use this project to provision the "production" mediaserver, simply:
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml --vault-id ~/.ansible/.vault_pass -i inventory/hosts
iTunes is a pain in the ass when it comes to how it manages libraries and such. It's possible that it can get out of sync with the filesystem.
We can audit things via the following:
iTunes Library $ grep '>Album<' iTunes\ Library.xml |sed 's/.(.)</string>/\1/g' |sort -u >albums_xml
File System $ find iTunes\ Media/Music/ -type f -name '*.m4a' |sed -r 's|/[^/]+$||' |awk -F "/" '{print $NF}' |sort -u >albums_fs
diff away ...