Usage: life-progress-cli [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]
search Search the country in the list
view View the country detail
config Custom config file path
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-b, --birthday <BIRTHDAY> Birthday, eg: 2024-02-20|20240220|unix_timestamp
-c, --config <CONFIG> Custom config file path
-g, --gender <GENDER> Gender, eg: 0: female, 1: male
-n, --nation <NATION> Nation, use search command to find your nation
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Sample Example
$ life-progress-cli -b 2020-10-24
You spent 1215 days, completed 4.46% of life progress, still have 26006 days left. enjoy!
$ life-progress-cli -b 2020-10-24 -g 1 -n China
You spent 1215 days, completed 4.44% of life progress, still have 26160 days left. enjoy!
You can use life-progress-cli search
your country in the list.
$ life-progress-cli search china
People's Republic of China { Average: 77.72, Male: 75, Female: 80.7 }
$ life-progress-cli search korea
North Korea { Average: 71.77, Male: 67.88, Female: 75.88 }
South Korea { Average: 82.97, Male: 79.88, Female: 86.24 }