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Update with minRF implementation of CIFAR-10, able to train to ~0.13 …
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liuliu committed May 23, 2024
1 parent f6d1648 commit 28ab43d
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Showing 8 changed files with 402 additions and 10 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions WORKSPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

name = "ccv",
commit = "83a26830569428cb059d507d79facf8e11aa90e1",
commit = "b6ab47cf662cfc4e5c0236e4184f0274a3df5fe6",
remote = "",
shallow_since = "1711755104 -0400",
shallow_since = "1716395188 -0400",

load("@ccv//config:ccv.bzl", "ccv_deps", "ccv_setting")
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions deps.bzl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ def s4nnc_deps():
name = "ccv",
remote = "",
commit = "83a26830569428cb059d507d79facf8e11aa90e1",
shallow_since = "1711755104 -0400",
commit = "b6ab47cf662cfc4e5c0236e4184f0274a3df5fe6",
shallow_since = "1716395188 -0400",

Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions examples/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,15 @@ swift_binary(

name = "minrf",
srcs = ["minrf/main.swift"],
deps = [

name = "cifar-10",
srcs = ["cifar-10/main.swift"],
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions examples/cifar-10/main.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ var sgd1 = SGDOptimizer(
graph, nesterov: true, rate: 0.0001, scale: 1.0 / Float(batchSize), decay: 0, momentum: 0.9,
dampening: 0)
sgd1.parameters = [cifar.parameters(for: .bias)]
var optimizers = [sgd0, sgd1]
for epoch in 0..<35 {
for (i, batch) in batchedTrainData["jitteredGPU", "cGPU"].enumerated() {
Expand All @@ -183,8 +184,8 @@ for epoch in 0..<35 {
/ Float((30 - 5) * batchedTrainData.count)
learnRate = max(learnRate, 0.0001)
sgd0.rate = learnRate
sgd1.rate = learnRate
optimizers[0].rate = learnRate
optimizers[1].rate = learnRate
let tensorGPU = batch[0] as! Tensor<Float32>
let cGPU = batch[1] as! Tensor<Int32>
let input = graph.variable(tensorGPU)
Expand All @@ -193,7 +194,7 @@ for epoch in 0..<35 {
let target = graph.constant(cGPU)
let loss = softmaxLoss(output, target: target)
loss.backward(to: [input])
[sgd0, sgd1].step()
let c = cGPU.toCPU()
var correct = 0
let cpuOutput = DynamicGraph.Tensor<Float32>(output).toCPU()
Expand Down
293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions examples/minrf/main.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
import NNC
import Foundation
import TensorBoard

public func timeEmbedding(timesteps: [Float], embeddingSize: Int, maxPeriod: Int)
-> Tensor<
precondition(embeddingSize % 2 == 0)
var embedding = Tensor<Float>(.CPU, .NC(timesteps.count, embeddingSize))
let half = embeddingSize / 2
for j in 0..<timesteps.count {
let timestep = timesteps[j]
for i in 0..<half {
let freq: Float = exp(-log(Float(maxPeriod)) * Float(i) / Float(half)) * timestep
let cosFreq = cos(freq)
let sinFreq = sin(freq)
embedding[j, i] = cosFreq
embedding[j, i + half] = sinFreq
return embedding

public func TimestepEmbedder(hiddenSize: Int) -> Model {
let x = Input()
let fc0 = Dense(count: hiddenSize, name: "timestep_embedder_0")
var out = fc0(x).swish()
let fc2 = Dense(count: hiddenSize, name: "timestep_embedder_1")
out = fc2(out)
return Model([x], [out])

public func LabelEmbedder<T: TensorNumeric>(_ dataType: T.Type, numClasses: Int, hiddenSize: Int) -> Model {
let labelEmbed = Embedding(
T.self, vocabularySize: numClasses + 1, embeddingSize: hiddenSize, name: "label_embedder")
return labelEmbed

func SelfAttention(prefix: String, k: Int, h: Int, hk: Int, b: Int, t: Int) -> Model {
let x = Input()
let rot = Input()
let tokeys = Dense(count: k * hk, noBias: true, name: "k_proj")
let toqueries = Dense(count: k * h, noBias: true, name: "q_proj")
let tovalues = Dense(count: k * hk, noBias: true, name: "v_proj")
let k_norm = LayerNorm(epsilon: 1e-6, axis: [2], name: "k_norm")
var keys = k_norm(tokeys(x)).reshaped([b, t, hk, k])
let q_norm = LayerNorm(epsilon: 1e-6, axis: [2], name: "q_norm")
var queries = q_norm(toqueries(x)).reshaped([b, t, h, k])
let values = tovalues(x).reshaped([b, t, hk, k]).transposed(1, 2)
keys = Functional.cmul(left: keys, right: rot)
keys = keys.transposed(1, 2)
queries = Functional.cmul(left: queries, right: rot)
queries = ((1.0 / Float(k).squareRoot()) * queries).transposed(1, 2)
var dot = Matmul(transposeB: (2, 3))(queries, keys)
dot = dot.reshaped([b * h * t, t])
dot = dot.softmax()
dot = dot.reshaped([b, h, t, t])
var out = dot * values
out = out.reshaped([b, h, t, k]).transposed(1, 2).reshaped([b, t, h * k])
let unifyheads = Dense(count: k * h, noBias: true, name: "out_proj")
out = unifyheads(out)
return Model([x, rot], [out])

func FeedForward(hiddenSize: Int, intermediateSize: Int, name: String = "") -> Model {
let x = Input()
let w1 = Dense(count: intermediateSize, noBias: true, name: "ff_w1")
let w3 = Dense(count: intermediateSize, noBias: true, name: "ff_w3")
var out = w3(x) .* w1(x).swish()
let w2 = Dense(count: hiddenSize, noBias: true, name: "ff_w2")
out = w2(out)
return Model([x], [out], name: name)

func TransformerBlock(k: Int, h: Int, hk: Int, b: Int, t: Int) -> Model {
let x = Input()
let rot = Input()
let y = Input()
let adaLNs = (0..<6).map { Dense(count: k * h, name: "ada_ln_\($0)") }
let chunks = { $0(y) }
let attention = SelfAttention(prefix: "", k: k, h: h, hk: hk, b: b, t: t)
let attentionNorm = LayerNorm(epsilon: 1e-6, axis: [2], elementwiseAffine: false)
var out = x + chunks[2] .* attention(attentionNorm(x) .* (1 + chunks[1]) + chunks[0], rot)
let ffn = FeedForward(hiddenSize: k * h, intermediateSize: k * h * 3)
let ffnNorm = LayerNorm(epsilon: 1e-6, axis: [2], elementwiseAffine: false)
out = out + chunks[5] .* ffn(ffnNorm(out) .* (1 + chunks[4]) + chunks[3])
return Model([x, rot, y], [out])

func DiT(batchSize: Int, hiddenSize: Int, layers: Int) -> Model {
let x = Input()
let conv0 = Convolution(
groups: 1, filters: hiddenSize / 2, filterSize: [5, 5],
hint: Hint(stride: [1, 1], border: Hint.Border(begin: [2, 2], end: [2, 2])), name: "conv0")
let norm0 = GroupNorm(axis: 1, groups: 32, epsilon: 1e-5, reduce: [2, 3], name: "norm0")
var out = norm0(conv0(x).swish())
let conv1 = Convolution(
groups: 1, filters: hiddenSize / 2, filterSize: [5, 5],
hint: Hint(stride: [1, 1], border: Hint.Border(begin: [2, 2], end: [2, 2])), name: "conv1")
let norm1 = GroupNorm(axis: 1, groups: 32, epsilon: 1e-5, reduce: [2, 3], name: "norm1")
out = norm1(conv1(out).swish())
out = out.reshaped([batchSize, hiddenSize / 2, 16, 2, 16, 2]).permuted(0, 2, 4, 3, 5, 1).contiguous().reshaped([batchSize, 16 * 16, hiddenSize * 2])
let xEmbedder = Dense(count: hiddenSize, name: "x_embedder")
out = xEmbedder(out)

let rot = Input()
let t = Input()
let timestepEmbedder = TimestepEmbedder(hiddenSize: hiddenSize)
let y = Input()
let labelEmbedder = LabelEmbedder(Float.self, numClasses: 10, hiddenSize: hiddenSize)
let adaLNInput = (timestepEmbedder(t) + labelEmbedder(y)).reshaped([batchSize, 1, hiddenSize]).swish()
for _ in 0..<layers {
let transformer = TransformerBlock(k: hiddenSize / 8, h: 8, hk: 8, b: batchSize, t: 256)
out = transformer(out, rot, adaLNInput)
let norm = LayerNorm(epsilon: 1e-6, axis: [2], elementwiseAffine: false)
out = norm(out)
let adaLNs = [Dense(count: hiddenSize, name: "ada_ln_final_0"), Dense(count: hiddenSize, name: "ada_ln_final_1")]
let chunks = { $0(adaLNInput) }
out = out .* (1 + chunks[1]) + chunks[0]
let convOut = Dense(count: 3 * 2 * 2, name: "final")
out = convOut(out).reshaped([batchSize, 16, 16, 2, 2, 3]).permuted(0, 5, 1, 3, 2, 4).contiguous().reshaped([batchSize, 3, 32, 32])
return Model([x, rot, t, y], [out])

/// MARK - The Training Program

let dataBatchPath = "/fast/Data/cifar-10/cifar-10-batches-bin/data_batch.bin"

let dataBatchSize = 50_000

let batchSize = 256

/// MARK - Loading Data from Disk

let dataBatch = try Data(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: dataBatchPath))

struct CIFARData {
var tensor: Tensor<Float>
var label: Int

var trainData = [CIFARData?](repeating: nil, count: dataBatchSize)

DispatchQueue.concurrentPerform(iterations: dataBatchSize) { k in
var tensor = Tensor<Float>(.CPU, .HWC(32, 32, 3))
let label = Int(dataBatch[k * (3 * 32 * 32 + 1)])
let imageData = dataBatch.subdata(in: (k * (3 * 32 * 32 + 1) + 1)..<((k + 1) * (3 * 32 * 32 + 1)))
for i in 0..<32 {
for j in 0..<32 {
let r = Float(imageData[i * 32 + j]) * 2.0 / 255.0 - 1.0
let g = Float(imageData[32 * 32 + i * 32 + j]) * 2.0 / 255.0 - 1.0
let b = Float(imageData[32 * 32 * 2 + i * 32 + j]) * 2.0 / 255.0 - 1.0
tensor[i, j, 0] = r
tensor[i, j, 1] = g
tensor[i, j, 2] = b
trainData[k] = CIFARData(tensor: tensor, label: label)

/// MARK - Setup Data Feeder Pipelne

var trainDataDf = DataFrame(from: trainData, name: "main")
trainDataDf["tensor"] = trainDataDf["main", CIFARData.self].map(\.tensor)
trainDataDf["c"] = trainDataDf["main", CIFARData.self].map {
Tensor<Int32>([Int32($0.label)], .CPU, .C(1))

var batchedTrainData = trainDataDf["tensor", "c"].combine(size: batchSize)
batchedTrainData["imageGPU"] = batchedTrainData["tensor"]!.toGPU()

/// MARK - Training Loop

let summaryWriter = SummaryWriter(logDirectory: "/tmp/minrf")

let graph = DynamicGraph()
let dit = DiT(batchSize: batchSize, hiddenSize: 256, layers: 10)
var rot = graph.variable(.CPU, .NCHW(batchSize, 16 * 16, 8, 32), of: Float.self)
for i in 0..<(16 * 16) {
for k in 0..<16 {
let theta = Double(i) * 1.0 / pow(10_000, Double(k) * 2 / 32)
let sintheta = sin(theta)
let costheta = cos(theta)
for b in 0..<batchSize {
for h in 0..<8 {
rot[b, i, h, k * 2] = Float(costheta)
rot[b, i, h, k * 2 + 1] = Float(sintheta)
let rotG = rot.toGPU(0)
var optimizer = AdamWOptimizer(graph, rate: 0.0005)
optimizer.parameters = [dit.parameters]
var isLoaded = false
for epoch in 0..<10000 {
var overallLoss: Double = 0
var overallSamples = 0
var lossCount: [Int] = Array(repeating: 0, count: 10)
var lossBins: [Double] = Array(repeating: 0, count: 10)
for (_, batch) in batchedTrainData["imageGPU", "c"].enumerated() {
let x = graph.variable(batch[0] as! Tensor<Float>)
let y = graph.variable(batch[1] as! Tensor<Int32>).reshaped(.C(batchSize))
let labelDrop = graph.variable(.CPU, .C(batchSize), of: Float.self)
for i in 0..<batchSize {
// 10% chance of dropping the label.
if labelDrop[i] < 0.1 {
y[i] = 10
let yG = y.toGPU(0)
let t = graph.variable(.CPU, .C(batchSize), of: Float.self)
let tG = t.toGPU(0).reshaped(.NCHW(batchSize, 1, 1, 1))
let tE = graph.variable(timeEmbedding(timesteps:(0..<batchSize).map({ t[$0] }), embeddingSize: 256, maxPeriod: 10_000))
let tEG = tE.toGPU(0)
let z1 = graph.variable(like: x)
let zt = (1 - tG) .* x + tG .* z1
if !isLoaded {
dit.compile(inputs: zt, rotG, tEG, yG, isEager: true)
if let final = dit.parameters.first(where: { $0.contains("final-0") }) {
let weight = graph.variable(final.copied(Float.self))
final.copy(from: weight)
isLoaded = true
let vtheta = dit(inputs: zt, rotG, tEG, yG)[0].as(of: Float.self)
let diff = z1 - x - vtheta
let loss = (diff .* diff).reduced(.mean, axis: [1, 2, 3])
loss.backward(to: [zt, yG])
let lossC = loss.rawValue.toCPU()
var batchLoss: Double = 0
for i in 0..<batchSize {
let singleLoss = Double(lossC[i, 0, 0, 0])
lossBins[min(Int((t[i] * 10).rounded(.down)), 9)] += singleLoss
lossCount[min(Int((t[i] * 10).rounded(.down)), 9)] += 1
batchLoss += singleLoss
batchLoss = batchLoss / Double(batchSize)
overallLoss += batchLoss
overallSamples += 1
summaryWriter.addScalar("loss", batchLoss, step: optimizer.step)
overallLoss = overallLoss / Double(overallSamples)
print("overall loss \(overallLoss), epoch \(epoch)")
summaryWriter.addScalar("overall loss", overallLoss, step: epoch)

for i in 0..<10 {
let loss = lossBins[i] / Double(lossCount[i])
summaryWriter.addScalar("lossbin \(i)", loss, step: epoch)
summaryWriter.addParameters("parameters", dit.parameters, step: epoch)
// Run denoising.
let samplingSteps = 50
graph.withNoGrad {
var z = graph.variable(.GPU(0), .NCHW(batchSize, 3, 32, 32), of: Float.self)
let y = graph.variable(.CPU, .C(batchSize), of: Int32.self)
for i in 0..<batchSize {
y[i] = Int32(i) % 10
let yG = y.toGPU(0)
let u = graph.variable(.CPU, .C(batchSize), of: Int32.self)
for i in 0..<batchSize {
u[i] = 10
let uG = u.toGPU(0)
for i in (1...samplingSteps).reversed() {
let t = Float(i) / Float(samplingSteps)
let tE = graph.variable(timeEmbedding(timesteps:(0..<batchSize).map({ _ in t }), embeddingSize: 256, maxPeriod: 10_000))
let tEG = tE.toGPU(0)
let vc = dit(inputs: z, rotG, tEG, yG)[0].as(of: Float.self)
let vu = dit(inputs: z, rotG, tEG, uG)[0].as(of: Float.self)
// cfg = 2
let v = vu + 2 * (vc - vu)
z = z - (1 / Float(samplingSteps)) * v
let zCPU = z.toCPU()
for i in 0..<batchSize {
// Write each image as ppm format.
summaryWriter.addImage("sample \(i)", (zCPU[i..<(i + 1), 0..<3, 0..<32, 0..<32] + 1) * 0.5, step: epoch)

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