Releases: liulab-dfci/TRUST4
Releases · liulab-dfci/TRUST4
TRUST4 v1.0.2-beta
- Add barcode correction for 10X Genomics data
- Support wildcards in -1 -2/-u options
- Add the options to specify the part of the reads for assembly (can be used to trim barcode/UMI in the read)
- Add a user-friendly script to process SMARTseq data with TRUST4
- Fix an issue of wrong abundance calculation in _cdr3.out file introduced after v1.0.0. This affects the cid assignment in the final report file.
- Dockerfile is available at and also on DockerHub (Thanks to @skchronicles)
- Fix a compilation issue on macOS
TRUST v1.0.1
- Improve the performance for paired-end 10X Genomics data
TRUST4 v1.0.1-beta
- Add several scripts for postprocessing
Extract full-length assemblies
Cluster clonotypes in trust_cdr3.out file
Convert TRUST4 barcode report file to 10X VDJ format - Can handle repertoire sequencing data by using "--repseq"
- Fix several bugs, especially for data with barcodes (10X Genomics)
- Fix several issues for compile
TRUST4 v1.0.0
- The formal release of TRUST4
- Change the report tsv format: (1) Use "." to represent missing genes for compatibility with other down-streaming analysis tool. (2) Add one column for representative the contig/consensus id (3) Only show complete CDR3s by default
- Fix several bugs
TRUST4 v0.2.0_binary
- Support use raw sequence (fq/fa files) as input
- Support barcode to handle single cell data, e.g. 10X Genomics
- Fix several bugs
TRUST4 v0.1.2_binary
- Incorporating the simple report in the main framework.
- Fix other issues
TRUST4 v0.1.1_binary
- Annotate D genes.
- Change the output format for *_annot.fa and *_cdr3.out files.