Releases: liulab-dfci/TRUST4
Releases · liulab-dfci/TRUST4
TRUST4 v1.0.10
- Add the option "--readFormat" that simplifies the read/barcode specification syntax.
- Add the option "--barcodeTranslate" to translate barcodes to another set of strings, and this option supports subset translation.
- Fix several issues in the perl script regarding creating IMGT sequence (Thanks to @Rudolph-afk )
TRUST4 v1.0.9
- Remove the limitation of read length (10000bp before).
- Add the script to add IMGT gaps to the AIRR output.
- Expose the assembly k-mer and minimum hit length option to the user.
- Cleaner secondary chains in the barcode report file.
- Allow assembly stage to use --ref file. This is for the case that the gene names in -f reference file is not starting with TR{BAGD} or IG{HKL}.
TRUST4 v1.0.8
- Use barcode count for the trust_report.tsv file when using "--barcode" option. This allows TRUST4 to work seamlessly with UMI-based TCR-seq/BCR-seq data through the option "--barcode-level molecule".
- Fix a bug of reporting partial CDR3 as complete in rare cases
- Fix several bugs in AIRR format
TRUST4 v1.0.8-beta
- Output the sequence_alignment and germline_alignment fields in the AIRR format. Now TRUST4 outputs all the required fields in the AIRR format.
- Output the AIRR file for the SMART-seq-like data.
- Supporting barcodes at the molecular level
- The secondary chain fields in the barcode_report file contain all types of chains. We also added the script "" to expand each barcode to represent those secondary chains for the case where each barcode contains multiple cells.
- Improve the speed of processing BAM input.
TRUST4 v1.0.7
TRUST4 v1.0.6
- Output files in the AIRR format.
- Fix an issue of provided mouse reference genome sequences.
- Provide a script to remove possibly leaked CDR3 sequences in barcode file.
- Add the option to output more than one pair of chains in the smart-seq wrapper.
- Other small bugs fixed.
TRUST4 v1.0.5.1
- Output read count in the abundance column in
- Fix a serious bug in the run-trust4 wrapper in the original v1.0.5 release for single-cell data.
TRUST4 v1.0.5
- Add the option "--needReverseComplement" and "--fastq" to annotator so it can handle raw unstranded data
- Add the option "--outputReadAssignment" where the read assignment will be output to {prefix}_assign.out file
- Add the option '--imputeBCR" to so BCR CDR3 information can also be imputed when specified
- Fix a small issue in extracting candidate reads with respect to tandem repeats
- Fix several bugs
TRUST4 v1.0.4
- Add the script to summarize immune repertoire statistics for each report or barcode-report file
- Fix an issue in scaffolding, which may cause wrong abundance estimation
- Fix several bugs
TRUST4 v1.0.2
- Add a column to specify whether the corresponding assembled contig is full-length
- Improve the sensitivity of annotating full-length assemblies.
- Fix a bug of wrongly filtering "TRAV/DV" genes in IMGT annotation file. (Thanks to @danich4114)
- Fix other small bugs