This repository is a React scaffolding equipped with a library of premade components using the Material-Design-Lite project. The components are set up to be as customizable and reactive as possible.
Just install all of the dependencies.
[sudo] npm install
Pack the project using webpack.
webpack -w
And start your server. Enjoy.
node index
Using a React component has never been this easy. Every part of your UI can be formed as follows: Import, Customize, and Assemble.
The components are classified using atomic design by Brad Frost.
The basic building blocks of our project i.e. html tags.
- CLButton
- CLCardMedia
- CLCardText
- CLCardTitle
- CLLogo
- CLMarkdownRenderer
- CLNavLink
- CLProgressBar
- CLSlider
- CLSnackbar
- CLSpacer
- CLSpinner
- CLTable
- CLTextField
- CLToggle
- CLTooltip
Combinations of atoms. Such as links, logos, and buttons to form a Nav.
Combinations of atoms and molecules e.g. Headers and Drawers.
Groups of organisms that together forms a page. Templates maybe layouts or full page design.
Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat
Alexandre C. Gerona
Zydrick Jan M. Delima
Gauven Roy Pascua