- Description
- Project Structure
- How to install
- How to run
It uses Little Qairoes' boilerplate project template is a starting point for building apps using the REACH template.
This template, along with polymer-cli
toolchain, demostrates the use of
"PRPL pattern". This pattern allows fast first delivery and interaction with the
the content at the initial route requested by the user.
PRPL pattern, in a nutshell, is:
- Push components required for the initial route
- Render initial route ASAP
- Pre-cache components for remaining routes
- Lazy-load and progressively upgrade next routes on-demend
The project development structure consists of this...
| |--manifest/
| |--favicon.ico
| |--project-korero-system-app.html
- bower_components/ is where reusable custom elements and/or libraries are fetched via bower (or put in bower.json) will go
- images/ is where we put all our static image assets. It includes the following
folders and files (files inside are configurable):
- manifest/ holds icon branding for the website. See https://goo.gl/OOhYW5 for details. (Files inside are configurable).
- favicon.ico is the icon that we see at the tab (configurable/replacable)
- pages/ is where all your custom-made page elements will go
- src/ is where your application-specific root-element will go
- project-korero-system-app.html is the main core element called in the index.html that renders the pages.
- web-components/ is where reusable custom elements that are not published or just for this project will go
- test/ holds all integrated test cases for continuous integration and making sure that changes in the app doesn't break the app. (files inside are configurable)
- bower.json is a configurable file that holds all direct dependencies of the project.
- index.html is the main entry point of the application. (we need to talk about how to configure the loader)
- manifest.json is a configurable file to make the webapp look like a mobile app. See https://goo.gl/OOhYW5 for details.
- polymer.json is a configurable file that holds all options for entry points
and fragments for building the reach polymer app using the
polymer build
command. - service-worker.js is a default file to be used for building. It will be populated
once the
polymer build
command has been called - sw-precache-config.js is a configurable file that configures how the service-worker.js will be built. See https://github.com/GoogleChrome/sw-precache
Install polymer-cli:
npm install -g polymer-cli
TODO: Talk about how to build this boilerplate here later on using https://github.com/PolymerElements/generator-polymer-init-custom-build. This will be use gulp more extensively
This command serves the app at http://localhost:8080
and provides basic URL
routing for the app
polymer serve
This command performs HTML, CSS, and JS minification on the application
dependencies, and generates a service-worker.js file with code to pre-cache the
dependencies based on the entrypoint and fragments specified in polymer.json
The minified files are output to the build/unbundled
folder, and are suitable
for serving from a HTTP/2+Push compatible server.
In addition the command also creates a fallback build/bundled
generated using fragment bundling, suitable for serving from non
H2/push-compatible servers or to clients that do not support H2/Push.
polymer build
- this creates two folders
- build/bundled - vulcanizes and minifies all files. Much faster in loading than unbundled version when HTTP/2.0 is turned off
- build/unbundled - retains the structure of dev but minifies all css and javascript files. Useful if deployed in HTTP/2.0 ready server/CDN
These set of commands serves the minified version of the app at http://localhost:8080
runs the generated production build using fragment bundling
polymer serve build/bundled
runs the unbundled state, as it would be served by a push-compatible server
polymer serve build/unbundled
This command will run Web Component Tester against the browsers currently installed on your machine.
polymer test