Projects for the Programming (PROG) class of the Master in Informatics and Computer Engineering (MIEIC) at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).
Completed tasks:
- Read and save data about clients and transactions in files;
- Create, modify and remove a client;
- Show data: of one or all clients;
- Show clients in alphabetical order;
- Show Bottom 10 clients;
- Purchase items (create transaction);
- Update purchase balance of each client;
- Show transactions, formated and ordered by date: of a client, a certain day, between two dates, or all;
- Show recommended items for each client;
- Show recommended items for all clients in the bottom 10.
Extra tasks:
- Go back with CTRL-Z anytime;
- Error if not valid input.
Made in colaboration with Julieta Frade.
Completed in 20/05/2016.