Tags: litejs/cli
-- git fetch;git merge-base --is-ancestor @{upstream} HEAD -- rm -rf node_modules;npm install added 2 packages, and audited 4 packages in 516ms found 0 vulnerabilities -- lj lint -- npm outdated -- ! git rev-parse -q --verify v25.1.1 -- lj build @litejs/cli v25.1.1 Usage lj [init|bench|build|help|test] build options --banner, -b Add comment banner to output --input, -i Input file --output, -o Output file --readme, -r Replase readme tags in file Examples lj b -r README.md -i ui/dev.html -o ui/index.html lj r -- lj test --brief test/index.js
-- git fetch;git merge-base --is-ancestor @{upstream} HEAD -- rm -rf node_modules;npm install added 2 packages, and audited 4 packages in 2s found 0 vulnerabilities -- lj lint -- npm outdated -- ! git rev-parse -q --verify v25.1.0 -- lj build @litejs/cli v25.1.0 Usage lj [init|bench|build|help|test] build options --banner, -b Add comment banner to output --input, -i Input file --output, -o Output file --readme, -r Replase readme tags in file Examples lj b -r README.md -i ui/dev.html -o ui/index.html lj r -- lj test --brief test/index.js
New Features: - tools: Add options absolute/root to `ls` (Lauri Rooden) - tools: Add cwd option to `ls` (Lauri Rooden) - tools: Add dot option to `ls` (Lauri Rooden) - tools: Add options support to `ls` (Lauri Rooden) Fixes: - tools: Fix `ls` matching dirs (Lauri Rooden) - build: Fix copying links to outDir (Lauri Rooden) Enhancements: - Use npx to run c8 (Lauri Rooden) - lint: Validate file names (Lauri Rooden) - lint: Check that js files compiles (Lauri Rooden) - static: Build first (Lauri Rooden) - build: Disable merging ui content into previous tags (Lauri Rooden) - test: Compare array in assert.own (Lauri Rooden) - test: Show diff in colors (Lauri Rooden) - test: Compare all built files (Lauri Rooden) - serve: Serve local folder by default (Lauri Rooden) - serve: Redirect `folder` to `folder/` (Lauri Rooden) - static: Improve staring router (Lauri Rooden)
Removed Features: - build: Drop litejs/view type (Lauri Rooden) Enhancements: - ci: Remove signature from release message (Lauri Rooden) - build: Minimize bindings in ui (Lauri Rooden) - snapshot: Accept snapFile argument (Lauri Rooden) - Upgrade dependencies (Lauri Rooden) - build: Minimize inline ui (Lauri Rooden) - build: Use type `ui` internally (Lauri Rooden) - Re-export @litejs/dom (Lauri Rooden)
Enhancements: - test: Restore _unknown options (Lauri Rooden) - build: Warn about missing output (Lauri Rooden)
New Features: - serve: Add simple static file server (Lauri Rooden) - lint: Initial json lint (Lauri Rooden) Removed Features: - Remove old shell tools (Lauri Rooden) Enhancements: - snapshot: Use stdio: "pipe" (Lauri Rooden) - bench: Expose cli options (Lauri Rooden) - ci: Run tests without coverage (Lauri Rooden) - ls: Return only existing files (Lauri Rooden) - test: run `test/*.js` by default (Lauri Rooden) - opts: Copy all values to out (Lauri Rooden) - Reduce lint warnings (Lauri Rooden)
New Features: - ci: Add release action (Lauri Rooden) - test: Add behavior to mock.fn (Lauri Rooden) Removed Features: - snapshot: Remove `git diff` usage (Lauri Rooden) - snapshot: Drop transform function support (Lauri Rooden) - Remove bench.cpuSpeed (Lauri Rooden) Enhancements: - ci: Upgrade coverallsapp action (Lauri Rooden) - ! Rewrite to use opts.js (Lauri Rooden) - Load node shim when needed (Lauri Rooden) - Export methods to be import friendly (Lauri Rooden) - opts: Handle short options (Lauri Rooden) - ci: Use c8 for coverage (Lauri Rooden) - opts: Accept `--no-num` (Lauri Rooden) - Cleanup (Lauri Rooden) - bench: Create global.gc (Lauri Rooden) - snapshot: Accept string, Buffer and Uint8Array (Lauri Rooden) - ! snapshot: Change snapshot file name (Lauri Rooden) - test: Expose describe.equal and describe.type (Lauri Rooden)