MarkPDF is a program that transforms a Markdown file to a PDF
Warning: Images must be inside the current directory, like assets/image.png, please, dont use external image links, download and put inside the current directory.
- Install
- Exemple
- Usage
- Using Themes
- specificalling PDF size (like A4, A5,etc)
- Using landscape (horizontal)
- Using with Bootstrap
- Switching Path
- Page Number
- Add PDF's Before or After
- Adding personalizated style with inline CSS in your file
- Append CSS files
- Themes
- Mpdf (MarkPDF config file)
- Creating Themes
- List of Themes
Install Node with your packeage manager like sudo apt install nodejs
To install MarkPDF use:
npm install -g markpdf
To see this README in a PDF by MarkPDF click here
To use MarkPDF in a fast way, type markpdf
and your Markdown file, simple.
To use a personalizated theme, append your theme file name with the -t
or --theme
argument, like:
markpdf -t myTheme.css
markpdf --theme myTheme.css
If you want to use a theme in MarkPDF themes list, you can only write the theme name, like:
markpdf -t dark
See the theme list in the bottom of this README.
An example of theme applied to MarkPDF is this README in a dark theme
If you want to define a specifically format, like A3, A2,etc (the default is A4), put it in the arguments with -f
or --format
, like:
markpdf -f A5
markpdf --format A5
An example of paper format applied to MarkPDF is this README in A5 paper format
If you want to use landscape format (like in slides) you can do it passing -l
or --landscape
, like
markpdf -l
markpdf --landscape
An example of Landscape format applied to MarkPDF is this README in Landscape Format
MarkPDF accepts any Bootstrap class, like w-100
, or pr-5
. You can use divs, h1, h2,etc. in for file with Bootstrap, because MarkPDF will understand it.
If you want to switch the output file directory and the pathname (name of the file), use --path
or -p
markpdf -p MyDir/MyPdf.pdf
markpdf --path MyDir/MyPdf.pdf
If you want to put a page number in the footer of all pages, use --number
or -n
, like:
markpdf -n
markpdf --number
An example of Page Number applied to MarkPDF is this README with Page Number
If you want to add a PDF's (not Markdown) before or after your PDF (Your markdown what you will transform to PDF), you can do it with --before
and --after
arguments, like:
markpdf --before beforePdf.pdf
and you can pass multiple PDF's
markpdf --after afterPdf.pdf,anotherAfterPdf.pdf
If you need to apply a CSS change, and you don't want to create a theme to do this, you can define this using a div, with your style, like this:
<div style="color:red">
Now, my text is Red!
You can use this to build any style with CSS, using displays, background, color, margin, or anything.
To append CSS files, you can use the option -c
or -css
with the CSS file or multiple files.
markpdf -c MyCSSFile.css
markpdf -css MyCSSFile.css
The default theme is white, with the h1 centralizated, justified texts,etc. See source code in themes
directory, or the links in the footer.
If you have a project, what uses a certain format, theme and/or landscape, you can define a file called mpdf.json
in the main tree of your project, the mpdf.json
content have to be like:
"theme": "myTheme.css",
"format": "A4",
"landscape": true,
"path": "pdf/myPdf.pdf",
"number": true,
"before": "beforePdf.pdf",
"after": "afterPdf.pdf"
And now, if you use markpdf
and the mdpdf.json
exist, this configs will be applied automaticly to your file. You don't have to pass an argument, like, if you forget the theme
argument in mpdf.json
, the default theme will be applied.
If you want to create your theme, create a CSS file with a body class, defining the font-family, background color, color of text,etc. a Table style, styles for h1, h2, h3, etc. And a style for the <code></code>
tag. Create themes for MarkPDF is very simple and fast, click in a theme file in section "List of Themes" to see the CSS code.