EVMLiSA is a static analyzer based on abstract interpretation for EVM bytecode of smart contracts deployed on Ethereum blockchain and built upon LiSA. Given a EVM bytecode smart contract, EVMLiSA builds a sound and precise control-flow graph of the smart contract.
EVMLiSA is based on the peer-reviewed publication
Vincenzo Arceri, Saverio Mattia Merenda, Greta Dolcetti, Luca Negrini, Luca Olivieri, Enea Zaffanella. "Towards a Sound Construction of EVM Bytecode Control-Flow Graphs". In Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Workshop on Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs (FTfJP 2024), co-located with ECOOP 2024.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Execution Methods
- Options
- The Abstract Stack Set Domain
- Jump Classification
- Usage Example
- EVMLiSA as a Library
To build and run EVMLiSA, you will need:
- JDK 11 or higher (optional when using Docker)
- Gradle 8.0 or higher (optional when using Docker)
- Etherscan API key
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/lisa-analyzer/evm-lisa.git cd evm-lisa
(Optional) Import the project into Eclipse or IntelliJ as a Gradle project.
Before running EVMLiSA, you must configure your Etherscan API key:
- Create a
file in the project root directory. - Add the following line to the file:
- Replace
with your actual key from Etherscan.
Alternatively, you can pass your API key directly using the --etherscan-api-key <key>
option when executing the analyzer.
Build the Docker container:
mkdir -p execution/docker && docker build -t evm-lisa:latest .
Run EVMLiSA with Docker:
docker run --rm -it \ -v $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env \ -v $(pwd)/execution/docker:/app/execution/results \ evm-lisa:latest \ [options]
-v $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env
: Mounts your environment file-v $(pwd)/execution/docker:/app/execution/results
: Shares the results directory
Build the project:
./gradlew assemble
java -jar build/libs/evm-lisa-all.jar [options]
-a,--address <arg> Address of an Ethereum smart contract
--abi <arg> ABI of the bytecode to be analyzed (JSON format).
--abi-path <arg> Filepath of the ABI file
-b,--bytecode <arg> Bytecode to be analyzed (e.g., 0x6080...)
--benchmark <arg> Filepath of the benchmark
--bytecode-path <arg> Filepath of the bytecode file
-c,--cores <arg> Number of cores used in benchmark
--checker-all Enable all security checkers
--checker-reentrancy Enable reentrancy checker
--checker-timestampdependency Enable timestamp-dependency checker
--checker-txorigin Enable tx-origin checker
--etherscan-api-key <arg> Insert your Etherscan API key
--link-unsound-jumps-to-all-jumpdest Link all unsound jumps to all jumpdest
--output-directory-path <arg> Filepath of the output directory
--stack-set-size <arg> Dimension of stack-set (default: 8)
--stack-size <arg> Dimension of stack (default: 32)
--use-live-storage Use the live storage in SLOAD
In analyzing EVM bytecode programs, EVMLiSA employs a domain of sets of abstract stacks to enhance precision, particularly for code containing loops.
The analyzer introduces the abstract stack powerset domain
EVMLiSA classifies jump instructions in the following categories:
- Resolved: All destinations of the jump node have been successfully resolved
- Definitely unreachable: The jump node is unreachable (reached with the bottom abstract state)
- Maybe unreachable: The jump node is not reachable from the entry point, but may be reachable via a potentially unsound jump node
- Unsound: The jump node is reached with a stack containing an unknown numerical value that may correspond to a valid jump destination
- Maybe unsound: The stack set exceeded the maximum configured stack size
Analyze a smart contract with specific configuration parameters:
Using Command Line:
java -jar build/libs/evm-lisa-all.jar \
-a 0x7c21C4Bbd63D05Fa9F788e38d14e18FC52E9557B \
--stack-size 64 \
--stack-set-size 10 \
Using Docker:
docker run --rm -it \
-v $(pwd)/.env:/app/.env \
-v $(pwd)/execution/docker:/app/execution/results \
evm-lisa:latest \
-a 0x7c21C4Bbd63D05Fa9F788e38d14e18FC52E9557B \
--stack-size 64 \
--stack-set-size 10 \
Tip: Use
docker run -a stderr
to output only the JSON report to standard output.
Total opcodes: 344
Total jumps: 45
Resolved jumps: 44
Definitely unreachable jumps: 1
Maybe unreachable jumps: 0
Unsound jumps: 0
Maybe unsound jumps: 0
EVMLiSA can be integrated as a Java library to analyze EVM smart contracts programmatically:
// Analyze by contract address
EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract("0x123456..."));
// Analyze from bytecode file path
EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract(Path.of("bytecode", "code.bytecode")));
// Analyze from bytecode string
EVMLiSA.analyzeContract(new SmartContract().setBytecode("0x6080..."));
// Analyze multiple contracts