This module reads the node_modules
directory of a given
path and fetches all licenses from reading each module's
and aggregates their counts into a hashmap
object of licenses.
Current implementation is with an Observable pattern so consumers need to add listeners to events the module emits.
Previous version of this module includes a Promises-based implementation and complete code coverage.
yarn add licensewatch
const LicenseWatch = require('licensewatch')
const licenses = new LicenseWatch('node_modules/**/package.json')
let licensesCount = 0
licenses.on('files', (files) => {
console.log('files processed' + ' - ' + files.length + ' - ' + files[0])
licenses.on('license', () => {
licenses.on('licenses', (licenses) => {
licenses.on('licensesSummary', (licenses) => {
licenses.on('error', (error) => {
console.log('errors mate, from down under')
Project tests:
yarn run test
Project linting:
yarn run lint
yarn run test:coverage
The project uses the commitizen tool for standardizing changelog style commit messages so you should follow it as so:
git add . # add files to staging
npm run commit # use the wizard for the commit message