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Stephan Heffner edited this page Nov 26, 2019 · 30 revisions


At some point after installing, you'll want to upgrade to a newer version of the Liquid bundle.

Watch out for breaking changes in the configuration by looking at the changelogs (tag messages) in:

1. Update the cluster to version X.Y.Z:

cd /opt/cluster
git fetch
git checkout vX.Y.Z
# check for new settings in `examples/cluster.ini` and add them to `cluster.ini`
bin/ --rm --pull --image=liquidinvestigations/cluster:X.Y.Z
# wait for services to be ready
docker exec cluster ./ wait

2. Update liquid to version X.Y.Z:

cd /opt/node
git fetch
git checkout vX.Y.Z
# check for new settings in `examples/liquid.ini` and add them to `liquid.ini`
./liquid deploy

Shutting down

To shut down the bundle, stop the cluster container, with a generous timeout:

docker stop -t 120 cluster

If Nomad isn't configured to drain jobs (or the drain operation fails) you may also need to kill all containers it left behind:

docker stop $(docker ps -qa)

Clean reset

Some Nomad versions require clearing the server data for upgrades. In those cases it's best to clear the docker system images too, using the following command sequence.

docker stop -t 120 cluster
docker stop $(docker ps -qa)
docker system prune --all --force --volumes
sudo rm -rf /opt/cluster/var/nomad

... and continue with deploying normally as described in the beginning of this article:

cd /opt/cluster
bin/ --rm --pull --image liquidinvestigations/cluster:X.Y.Z
docker exec cluster ./ wait

cd /opt/node
./liquid deploy

Note: if the docker system prune --all --force --volumes command takes too long to finish, sudo systemctl restart docker and re-run it.

Other problems

Use the Admin FAQ for miscellaneous operating details and the Security page on how to keep a production system secure.

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