Currently re-writing most of the build process with nix, breaking changes will be on the menu.
A tray application that shows the status of conservation mode and helps you enable it or disable it!
This project is a fork from my previous one re-written in Go instead of Python. It is way smaller (executable file is 90% smaller and in ram ~40% smaller)
- Lenovo Legion 5 ( code : VPC2004:00 )
Many more laptops can be adapted with the right path in the conservationmode file
Copy the file of this repo. Same as the manual install, it doesn't add a .desktop and doesn't auto-start.
Download latest release
Extract to /opt/conservation_mode
Move conservationmode to /usr/local/bin
Add permissions to access the file to the visudo
sudo visudo
Add to the end (replace
if on Debian) issue:%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tee /sys/bus/platform/drivers/ideapad_acpi/VPC2004\:00/conservation_mode
Run TrayConservationMode
Optional : Add to startup applications and make a .desktop
DEPRECATED SINCE 1.1 - If you have a problem with a appindicator dependancy and using the Legacy version, make sure you install the correct package as found in this issue
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Tray conservation mode manager for Lenovo laptops\s
Name=Tray Conservation Mode