- This new version (completely rewritten) assumes all the photos are flash photos.
- Also handles colour camera!
pip install git+https://github.com/lionfish0/btretrodetect.git
One passes a path and the tool will recursively search through the subdirectories, finding all the images, sorting them (within that folder) and applying the retrodetect algorithm.
btretrodetect ~/Documents/Research/rsync_bee/test/beephotos/2023-06-29/sessionA/setA/cam5/02D49670796/ --after 10:32:29 --before 10:33:29 --threshold -10
Runs the retoreflector detection algorithm
positional arguments:
imgpath Path to images (it will recursively search for images in these paths)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--after AFTER Only process images that were created after this time HH:MM:SS
--before BEFORE Only process images that were created before this time HH:MM:SS
--refreshcache Whether to refresh the cache
--threshold THRESHOLD
Threshold of score before adding to data
--sourcename SOURCENAME
The name to give this source of labels (default:retrodetect)```