To make the most of the coding session please come to the workshop with the following packages installed:
- rstan (v2.16 or higher)
- bayesplot (v1.4 or higher)
- brms (v1.10 or higher)
- ggplot2
- reshape2
- plyr
In addition windows users will most certainly need to install RTools, please follow the instruction given on this page.
To ensure a smooth start in the coding session check if you can run Stan models from R by running:
stan_glm(mpg ~ cyl,family="gaussian",data=mtcars)
- 45min general introduction into Bayesian data analysis, 15min Lionel, 15min Maxime
- 45min interactive coding session using brms and rstanarm to explore typical Bayesian Data Analysis workflow (fit models, checking, model expansion, setting priors, inference). The following models will be fitted:
- Linear model
- Generalized Linear Model (Negative Binomial)
- (Mixed-effect models, varying intercept, varying intercept and slopes, crossed and nested random effects)
- (Zero-inflated overdispersed poisson model)