startActivity(Intent(this, ListActivity::class.java))
finish(); overridePendingTransition(anim.fade_in, anim.fade_out) // use fade animation
}, DELAY_MILLIS) // jump to list activity after delay
列表使用 RecyclerView
实现,条目使用 CardView
// Provide a reference to the views for each item
class ItemViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView) {
fun bind(item: Item) = with(itemView) {
title.text = item.title
resources.getIdentifier("cover_${item.book}", "drawable", context.packageName)
) // get drawable resource id by item's book name value, set thumb image
setOnClickListener {
val intent = Intent(context, DetailActivity::class.java)
val options = ActivityOptions // use shared element transition
.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(context as Activity, thumb as View, thumb.transitionName)
context.startActivity(intent.putExtra(Item.EXTRA_KEY, item), options.toBundle())
} // on item view clicked, start detail activity and pass the item object as extra
} // bind an item object to its view
- 工具栏内显示书籍封面图:使用
; - 与列表页面间的过渡动画:使用
Shared Element Transition
实现,详见上一节核心代码; - 保存评分条分值:使用
// Need only one preference file to store rating values
val ratingPref = getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
ratingBar.apply {
rating = ratingPref.getFloat(item.title, DEFAULT_RATING) // read rating value from preference file
setOnRatingBarChangeListener { _, rating, fromUser ->
if (fromUser) with(ratingPref.edit()) { putFloat(item.title, rating); apply() }
} // write value into preference file on user changes rating
@Parcelize // for intent extra, see more in RecyclerAdapter.ItemViewHolder.onClick() and DetailActivity.onCreate()
@Serializable // for reading list from json resource file, see more in ListActivity.onCreate()
data class Item(val book: String, val title: String, val content: String) : Parcelable {
companion object {
const val EXTRA_KEY = "${BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID}.Item"
} // intent extra key, use app's package name as prefix to be unique
初始数据存储在 res/raw/items.json
,在 List Activity
中使用 Kotlinx Serialization
解析并传递给 RecyclerAdapter
列表页进入详情页的过渡动画会遮盖虚拟导航栏,疑似为安卓官方上游 Bug。
Kotlin 真香,Android 开发真难。
:Create a List with RecyclerView | Android DevelopersActivity
:Resource types overview | Android DevelopersSharedPreference
:Save key-value data | Android Developers