When the height is set to 28cm and the gait set to trot, the dog will bark and enter following mode
on your dog:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws
git clone https://github.com/linzhibo/Cyberdog_utils.git src/cyberdog_utils
colcon build --merge-install --install-base /opt/ros2/cyberdog
sudo cp src/cyberdog_utils/config/cyberdog_follower.service /etc/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable cyberdog_follower.service
Restart your dog.
Recommanded tools
vscode + ssh extension
- Dependencies
pip install baidu-aip
cd scripts
python3 csv_2_wav.py
the wav files will be generated by data/wav folder
scp ../data/wav/* mi@
replace ip, reboot the robot.