is a web tools for upload file from Intranet machine and downlown file to local machine 用于上传内网文件,并支持下载文件到本地
##start #init mysql: python makemigrations python migrate #running: python runserver
##basic setting: setting in FILE_ROOT_DIR='/tmp/' #directory to store files which uploaded IP_WHITE_LIST = ['192.168','10.11'] #limit ips that allow upload files UPLOAD_LIMIT = { 'num':100, #max files every day of upload 'size':100 #max size every day of upload (MB) } TAR_TEMP_DIR = '/tmp/filetransport_tar_temp' #tar directory when downfile path is a directory,it will tar a tar.gz file in here
##limit file type in file filetransport/myTransport/templates/upload.html: example_dropzone = $("#advancedDropzone").dropzone({ url: '/transport/upload/', maxFilesize:100, //max size 100M maxFiles:100, //max files addRemoveLinks:true, acceptedFiles:'image/,video/', //file types that allow upload dictInvalidFileType: "你不能上传该类型文件,文件类型只能是图片或视频。", dictFileTooBig:"文件过大上传文件最大支持.", dictFallbackMessage:"浏览器不受支持", ......
##note you should create a user first